
These books I read mention wolf purring so often, I’m actually starting to question myself. Do wolves really purr? I mean I don’t know. It’s not like I’ve had up close and personal contact with a wolf- ever.
          	Then some long lost part of my brain, the logic part of my brain, spoke up: Wolves don’t purr silly! 
          	Oh. Uhh okay.
          	You’ve been reading too many of those books online!


These books I read mention wolf purring so often, I’m actually starting to question myself. Do wolves really purr? I mean I don’t know. It’s not like I’ve had up close and personal contact with a wolf- ever.
          Then some long lost part of my brain, the logic part of my brain, spoke up: Wolves don’t purr silly! 
          Oh. Uhh okay.
          You’ve been reading too many of those books online!