
I'm not saying that what I wrote was half baked cos at the time  I really had so much passion for what it. I put so much effort into thinking of new chapters, new stories, all that. I still love that people like it, and still read and vote for it. I still appreciate all the new comments, all of it. It's just that I'm more equipped now, and I wish I knew then what I know now which could've made a more pleasing version of my stories. haha but I'm still proud of them. it was in the time of my life where I fell in love with books and writing.


I'm not saying that what I wrote was half baked cos at the time  I really had so much passion for what it. I put so much effort into thinking of new chapters, new stories, all that. I still love that people like it, and still read and vote for it. I still appreciate all the new comments, all of it. It's just that I'm more equipped now, and I wish I knew then what I know now which could've made a more pleasing version of my stories. haha but I'm still proud of them. it was in the time of my life where I fell in love with books and writing.


this is ridiculous I'm just bumming myself out hahaha I love writing, so much, and it still surprises me when people read my stories on here. cos i feel like I could've done better, but people read it. and they like it? and now that I'm leaving this account behind and making a more personal one, I don't know. I re-read some of my old chapters (a lot of them made me cringe tbh haha but some of them I loved, especially the last few parts) and all the comments, and it's making me so emotional. hahaha I'm gonna miss those. I'm starting all over again, from  scratch, with nothing but my writing. unlike before, I  had help with this haha had friends from twitter read it, had followers. and it made my job easier, as a writer. it was sort of biased in a way. but now that I realized how important writing is to me I want to take it more seriously. I'll probably still make fanfics (cant help it, once a fangirl, always a fangirl. it's in my blood probably hahaha) as a practice na rin, but besides that I'm also going to focus on my own stories. stories I would be proud to tell the world. I loved this fandom, I loved Vice, all of this will still have a special place in my heart, it gave me so much happiness and hope, gave me friends I never thought I'd have  but I feel like I have to say goodbye to this haha because this isn't me anymore. and yeah it's all so dramatic I'd understand if you bailed on the first sentence but if you didn't thank you. I wont delete this account, I'll probably still visit it (I'll always miss it haha) but it wont be like before, i don't think.