
I've been writing an Andrew siwicki  fanfiction just for fun, my friend suggested to post it on here. Would anyone be interested in reading it ? 


Hi I'm in a bit of a pickle right now I'm doing a article for college about platforms like wattpad and how important they are for writers. It's due tomorrow :'( I was wondering if someone was okay with me asking a few questions about wattpad and what it does for you as a writer or even a reader ?


2018 has thaught me so much about myself and the friends that I have. I spent most of Christmas alone because of petty arguments. I had my first Christmas without my nanny or grandad and grew distant with most of my friends. I decided this year that life is too short of someone doesn’t make me happy then forget about pleasing them. I’d rather have 1 real friend than 10 friends who aren’t there when I asked for help. This year I’ve focused more on writing meaningful pieces and hope I can publish them on here in  2019