
Update! Everybody got sick from the festival so we didn't end up going to the lake house, and I have just been sitting at home sick, but I did order a pair of amazing flares so at least we have one positive. But even though i was at home I didn't write.. but I kinda did. I wrote a smut scene (while I had a fever) which takes place long away from where we are. And I kind of forgot about it but now that I'm rereading it, it's so good, in my opinion, cause I made it kind of kinky. Forgive me father for I was bored....and sick... and horny.


I just realized I started this post with 'update' and people will think its a story update when its just my rant... sorrry


I guess at least this will motivate me to f+cking get on with writing so we can get to the part of the story where I can post it. Hopefully? God I really don't want school to start.


Are you still sick? 


@domm890  ohh I hope school isn’t too harsh haha, fr im really exited about new chapters, im really into the story but dont stress yourself!! ;D


But i do appreciate comments, it reminds me ppl still want to hear more about david and micks story!


Nope I'm all good! School started with the usual anxiety plus the anxiety of it being senior year and i have to study more and look and apply to unis and all that so my free time, is basically none. I'm very big on getting good grades and academics and all that btw. Anyways i promise if i do have free time over the weekends or stuff i will try to get to writing a bit, even if just a small chapter. But something to get me back in the flow.


Update! Everybody got sick from the festival so we didn't end up going to the lake house, and I have just been sitting at home sick, but I did order a pair of amazing flares so at least we have one positive. But even though i was at home I didn't write.. but I kinda did. I wrote a smut scene (while I had a fever) which takes place long away from where we are. And I kind of forgot about it but now that I'm rereading it, it's so good, in my opinion, cause I made it kind of kinky. Forgive me father for I was bored....and sick... and horny.


I just realized I started this post with 'update' and people will think its a story update when its just my rant... sorrry


I guess at least this will motivate me to f+cking get on with writing so we can get to the part of the story where I can post it. Hopefully? God I really don't want school to start.


I went to a festival and I am f*cking dead, so I'm sorry but high chances of no updates this week. Reasoning: I'd have to write it today cause I'm going to a friends lake house tomorrow for 4 days, but theres no way i can write rn


oh, don't worry about that!, the important thing is that you are well and happy, besides, if you are in a good mood it means that you are going to write in a good mood, take all the time you want, we all wait patiently


You know its been a week and u kinda need to update soon


Hey yes sorry, I've kind of been caught up in life. I'm taking a french summer program and I was also hanging out with a friend I haven't seen in ages this week so I ended up forgetting to write! But I saw your message this morning and I was free today so I finished ch18 and wrote most of 19 so there will almost certainly be an update tomorrow.


Or else i might die


Im so into the storyyy its been everyday that I look for new chapters, so I drew the scene of Mick’s dream to pass time For real im so invested, really well written 


Thank you! Okay, excited to see it!


Hi! Im gonna finish the drawing as soon as I can and try to show you on the conversation maybe! Im exited to read the new chapters! Take your time, dont stress yourself too much either :D


Oh thats so cool! Can I see it? Can you post photos on here? I'm not too sure how this 'conversation' thing on wp works. You can read from my reply to Beliz that i already have ch 16 and 17 done just have to write 15. Which im struggling with atm, i want to make it a sweet little scene but im afraid it might be boring...idk we'll see!




But when you do get an update i'll be three chapters hopefully 


Hey! What is this? I've been on wp two years and I never knew about this feature, interesting. But anyways yeah im sorry its taking long but something big happens in chapter 16 but its also bad so i want to write a short sweet chapter 15 before chaos ensues. Basically rn i have ch 16 and 17 because ive had those figured out for a while now and I have to work on 15 only.