
no, i am not coming back to life yet. 
          	but i just wanted to wish y'all a Happy Pride Month!!


I am SO excited to finish A-Symmetric so I can start m next story. I don't have a title for it, yet, but I have been thinking about it non-stop. I have so much of it planned out in my head and I just can't wait to get to work on it. You guys have no idea how excited I am :) 
          You guys are the best <3


@selenurbread is the first ever commenter on A-Symmetric! Props to them, you are awesome!! this is huge for me even though it doesn't seem like it. the next chapter will be dedicated to them. go follow selenurbread.


@inhumanmerp oh thank you for the advertisement!!! You're really great too!


K, so yesterday I said my new story wouldn't be up till sometime around Christmas.  Uhm, I guess I lied. My plans changed today and I found lots of free time. So the first chapter is out!! I think this one will go much better than the ones prior. I have slightly more faith. But that doesn't mean you should get your hopes up. Anyways, the intro thingy and the first chapter are up!! I am super hyped and I hope you go check that out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Im excited, if you haven't noticed). 
          Have a great day my guys, gals, and non-binary pals  <3


hullo. so my fanfic Those Eyes, i'm gonna take it down. honestly, there's no one who really keeps up with it and its going literally no where. i've had writers block on that story for forever, so i'm just gonna delete it instead of trying a third time to fix it. instead, i've started a new story. i'm not going to post it anytime soon-i want to get it figured out a bit first. but for anybody who actually checks my account, it should be up before Christmas. that's the goal anyways. so thanks to anyone who acknowledges this, i REALLY appreciate it. those who do look at this stuff, you guys mean the world to me. so thank you and have a great rest of your night!! <3


Hi guys. For anybody who actually keeps up with my story: Random MPHFPC Fanfic, then please know I am taking it down for a short time. I've made some significant changes to a lot of the chapters. I think it would be easier to just repost the whole thing than to edit each chapter.  I've also written more chapters, not a lot though. Sorry, I know I haven't written in a while. I have absolutely no excuse besides the fact I went through a little writers block. ANYWAY, it's being taken down for a hot second and I'll probably repost it later tonight. Thanks for acknowledging this!