
On June 19th, 2020, one year ago today, my good friend and co-writer @PoseidonHeirYT (thank you so much and much love, hope you see this Posi :DD) and I published our first collab fanfiction, So Much in Common. Since then, it has received a lot of love and support and we could not be more grateful for it! If you haven't read it yet, be sure to read it here:
          	Just wanted to send out a message to commemorate this amazing piece of work and appreciate y'all wonderful readers! Be sure to read it, remember that our sequel is still in the works (yes it IS, not dead after all ahaha, it's barely begun!), and keep your eyes open for a rewrite of SMIC that the both of us began a while ago. Much love!


@infingirl THATS AWESOME! I’ll be sure to check out the rewrite and I personally found SMIC a really well written piece. Can’t wait for more of the sequel as well!


On June 19th, 2020, one year ago today, my good friend and co-writer @PoseidonHeirYT (thank you so much and much love, hope you see this Posi :DD) and I published our first collab fanfiction, So Much in Common. Since then, it has received a lot of love and support and we could not be more grateful for it! If you haven't read it yet, be sure to read it here:

          Just wanted to send out a message to commemorate this amazing piece of work and appreciate y'all wonderful readers! Be sure to read it, remember that our sequel is still in the works (yes it IS, not dead after all ahaha, it's barely begun!), and keep your eyes open for a rewrite of SMIC that the both of us began a while ago. Much love!


@infingirl THATS AWESOME! I’ll be sure to check out the rewrite and I personally found SMIC a really well written piece. Can’t wait for more of the sequel as well!


Hi, I am new to Wattpad, and don't quite know how things work; I was wondering if you could read my story and tell me how I could improve my writing. I am sorry if this sounds a little awkward, I have never really been good around people


@ZeiraVoltaris It certainly has interesting potential. Keep it up!


After much careful consideration, I have decided to redact the entirety of the chapter bits regarding Claes Voltaris’ backstory out of Anew. That includes any characters affiliated with him as well (namely Arcaena Voltaris and Helvetus Mendoris). Claes will still remain a character in future chapters, but he will not play as large of a role as I previously imagined. Plot and character arcs will therefore be changed in order to accommodate to this redaction. I am sorry for the inconvenience that this causes the story, but I refuse to let anyone else be hurt by my writing. If any of you are at all interested in speaking to me in DMs about Claes’ original role, just let me know. But I will not disclose it within a public setting, especially in the chapters. Thank you so much for being understanding! Love you all!


Anew chapter 12 releasing soon today! Keep an eye out!
          Title: Senseless.


yeet I've passed 15 already but meh
          I don't believe in this but it's fun so--
          ⭐️I want you to know you are an amazing person.⭐️
          ✨If I don't get this back, I understand.✨
          But I (and this challenge as a whole) have a game for you.
          Once you have read this message, you must send this to 15 people, including me
          ⭐️If you get at least 3 back you are loved⭐️
          ✨Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it✨
          Tonight at 11:59 am, the person you love most will realize they love you
          Then at 1:00-2:00 pm be ready for the shock of your life 
          ⭐️If you break this chain, you will have bad luck ⭐️
          ✨With love, send this to 15 people✨
          If you don't, you will turn ugly (in other peoples eyes) for 1 year
          A friend told me to do this so PASS IT ON
          ⭐️Tomorrow, two people will ask for your number⭐️
          ✨So send this back to 15 people or bad luck will find you for the whole year✨


New chapter of The Strongest Promise out with my collab partner @PoseidonHeirYT ! This fanfic has been out for a while and takes a long time to upload, but we still love the story dearly, and I'm finally announcing separate chapters on my Wattpad story now! Be sure to check out and follow Poseidon, and if you haven't seen TSP before, it's a sequel, and check out its prior installment, So Much in Common!
          The link for chapter 5 for easy access:

          ENJOY! :D
