
you’re staring, but i’m assuming you’re just lost in thought. please don’t correct me if i’m wrong, i’m just making sure you’re okay.


            * yes, well, he didn't exactly want some of the rabble they let into this school within a five foot distance of him. truly, it was a disgrace at how far society had fallen and Dumbledore was just as bad, letting in the filth without a second thought * Possibly. I suppose it all depends.


* she completely ignored the so-called grin, her eyes narrowing before she huffed. *  you’re truly insufferable, it’s no wonder no one checked on you. but yes, go ahead and take it out on me. is that gonna make you feel better about yourself?


            I think most people are smart enough to avoid the crazy ones * he pointed out, the 'grin' he gave her showing nothing but teeth. of course no one else was checking on it. they knew who he was and his reputation that he had *


(  . . .  )          you’ve been    avoiding me    ,     corban     .          i want       to     know    why .     your     subtlety is     practically non - existent .       


@impulsivemanic    (   . . .   )       [         a sigh left her lips     ,       eyes raising briefly to the ceiling     ,     before falling back upon his features     .       ]          that      wasn’t my decision .   that was yours .     [        she had thought      things had been okay between them      - -          though     she realised       that       their      previous courting may have        put some tension between them .     since then ,     things had been rather complicated between       them      .     there was      one point ,    where she     had thought       that there was      a chance    they might get together again ,   but she had     isolated herself     once    more    ,     as if the     very idea    of     falling in love      was the thing she      feared the most .     the Black    witch wouldn’t admit       that she missed      him     ( for she feared she would not hear      the end of it ) ,     but she did .           ]          you     realise     that     it’s    more than    that , don’t      you ?         getting       as far    away from me as possible      as soon   as     i enter    a room    . . .     ?      it’s getting    ridiculous .       we can      be civil with one another ,    can we not    ? 


            Whatever gave you that impression? You know, aside from the fact that we're not on speaking terms anymore?