
I can see that some people are confused why I took down all of more stories. They sorta want to make me die of embarrassment and they were all about dead founding fathers of America. Please don’t think I’m judging people who do write Hamilton fanfiction, because that is not my intention, I obviously know there are two different types of Hamilton; the fictional musical that was based on true events and the real guys who are dead. I just don’t really want to have them up anymore, sorry for any disappointment or confusion.



I can see that some people are confused why I took down all of more stories. They sorta want to make me die of embarrassment and they were all about dead founding fathers of America. Please don’t think I’m judging people who do write Hamilton fanfiction, because that is not my intention, I obviously know there are two different types of Hamilton; the fictional musical that was based on true events and the real guys who are dead. I just don’t really want to have them up anymore, sorry for any disappointment or confusion.