
300 FOLLOWERS HOLY CRAP!! Thank you all so much you're the absolute best, I love you tons xoxo 


It's my birthday today!! Thanks to everyone for a great year here on Wattpad :) <3 xoxo 


Thank you so much! @Satinaki <3 It means so much to me xoxo 


Omgggggg happy bday!!! ❤️❤️


To all my lovely readers,
          I offer my sincerest apologies to you, for I know my updates are unbelievably infrequent at the moment, and I can see how frustrating that must be. I do hope you can forgive me, though, for you should know I'd never deliberately test your patience or annoyance. I only want to make my stories as enjoyable to read as they possibly can be for you all, and although this strategy this is time-consuming and will indefinitely loose me readers (which I cannot blame you for), I really do hope it is efficient and my words are worth the wait when eventually published. 
          Lots of love to you all; I cannot thank you enough for your support, heartfelt comments and advice, patience and - most obviously, I hope - for simply being the beautiful people you each are.
          Kindest regards,
          Ruby Mae 