
this message may be offensive
Can someone please explain what in the actual fuckery is wattpad fucking doing right now? Thank you xx


What's up guys! Hope you're all having a good week-end :) just wanted to mention a few things.
          Nova sent me a quick text yesterday night saying she found a new song through ig. We had a Skype call and talked a lot about it, her recent life choices and what she is going through right now. She had the courage to share a part of her past with me through it and so I thought I should share it with you as well. I told her she wasn't alone, because she isn't and that it's okay to have bad days, weeks, months. They don't matter. What matters is the way you carry yourself at the end of them and keep pushing forward. 
          Please fellas, I know it can be hard to sometimes stick your hand out for others, but when you see someone in difficulty, remember you might me the person who will stop them from falling down. Remember you might be the person who saves their life. Remember you might be their only chance of getting back up.
          The song may be triggering for some of you (it did trigger Nova yesterday evening) so please be aware of that. And yes I have her conscent for sharing this info on our shared Wattpad page. 
          The song is called "How to never stop being sad" by Dandelion Hands. 
          For all of you out there who need help, reassurance, a silver lining, you can always drop a message in our inbox. Nova might answer from time to time and I'll always be there as well. 
          (Like Nova always says) Take care and stay safe people. We love you 
          Rachel <33


Hi pals, Nova here again. I know I shouldn't be on the account right now but I decided to give myself until September 2018. I know I said three months but Rachel convinced me to give myself some more time. She said 3 months wasn't enough to judge a feeling to it's deep core. So there you are, for those of you who read my last update. If my choice my September is still negative, this is probably one of last texts you see from me.
          Take care guys, I love you all so dearly.
          -Supernova :out


this message may be offensive
Hi everyone, Supernova here. I know it's been a while and I can bet my sorry ass y'all despite me now for leaving, but hear me out first! I've been busy with a lot of stuff such as school and my own private life (which has kinda gone downhill for the past month if I can put it easily) but I talked today with Rachel and we decided that it would be good for me to take back over the account after a small hiatus. We came to the conclusion that I wasn't safe enough IRL to be able to post regularly like I used to and that I should concentrate on my medication and my studies. Rachel also pointed out the fact that I still can write during my spare time and leave it in my drafts and when we get back from our hiatus, we can start clean again. In a literal and figurative way to quote her. I give it to ya, you can be as angry at me as you could ever be, I know I'm leaving again but there's no other way for me. I want to start a video project as well but that should still be left on the side for now. For those of you who still ask about my health and care nonetheless my stupid absent ass, it's not getting better and it saddens me even more to know that I'm having attacks more each day. It hurts me to know that I've put content out there for you to enjoy but I'm incapable of keeping it up because of my silly life choices. Hopefully, I'll be better in a few weeks? if not, well - Rachel's there right? She really appreciates the love you give to the account and to the books with all the votes and reads. She's just like a small puppy! Anyhow guys, I hope you're all doing better than me and that you take care! Thanks  a lot for the support once again and don't forget to look out for stars! 
          Supernova: out.
          And for anyone who has read this far, why? What did you think you would find here? I guess not what I'm about to say. In February, I get the unique chance to go see my favorite youtubers, but here's the thing-I have 4 months to get better. If by that day I ain't, then I'm out. Sorry