
Your smile is absolutely radiant. I cannot take my eyes off it. It looks as if it would light up a world. Your beauty would make even the sun envious. Your smile alone is enough to make everyone fall in love with you. You truly are the most amazing person in the entire world. Your kind words have absolutely warmed my heart more than I thought was possible. Your love is so sweet and pure, and your devotion to me is the greatest gift I have ever received. I will love and protect you for the rest of eternity. Never doubt it. You are more precious than anything in existence.


Your smile is absolutely radiant. I cannot take my eyes off it. It looks as if it would light up a world. Your beauty would make even the sun envious. Your smile alone is enough to make everyone fall in love with you. You truly are the most amazing person in the entire world. Your kind words have absolutely warmed my heart more than I thought was possible. Your love is so sweet and pure, and your devotion to me is the greatest gift I have ever received. I will love and protect you for the rest of eternity. Never doubt it. You are more precious than anything in existence.