
I would like to say: I'm a,so a victim of self harm, I thought I was heated. Mistreated. But it was all because I was feeding e demon inside my head, and from self harm I have gotten many weird things happen, I know am dramatized by the dark if you know what that is, I also have panic attacks and other problems. But deep down inside were all loved, it's just because of how we feed our demon 


bullies are just a person scared of what others think so they scare everyone by bullieng them so they won't be judged. they don't really mean anything they say. you are a strong person. don't let their words sink in. and self harming won't do any good. it doesn't change anything or help the situation. the best thing is to out the blade away and look ahead. good will come and you will be alright. people care for you and don't want to loose you. I care for you Even though I don't really know you. 


1 thing to say I LOVE YOU!!! Plz TALK TO ME. TALK TO PEOPLE ON WATTPAD!!! we can't judge you. We can only judge u on ur personality. We can't call u fat or ugly. If anyone I wattpad does...hit me up. I will give them one nasty talking to, LUBS U!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️