
I have received awful news today. A close friend of mine was raped by 3 men and she’s just 14. It happened because she refused to buy them drugs and pills. Anyone aware of how often these happen? This is not okay and it needs to stop. Now she’s being threatened to be killed if she tells anyone. I’m trying to make her reach out to people but seems like there is no hope of getting help. Please spread the word 


@ilsems  Scary! So sorry! But raped for no drugs tho? It dont make no sense


Yeah I talked to my friend about these and you can write about it. I can give you a little more details if you would want


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I have received awful news today. A close friend of mine was raped by 3 men and she’s just 14. It happened because she refused to buy them drugs and pills. Anyone aware of how often these happen? This is not okay and it needs to stop. Now she’s being threatened to be killed if she tells anyone. I’m trying to make her reach out to people but seems like there is no hope of getting help. Please spread the word 


@ilsems  Scary! So sorry! But raped for no drugs tho? It dont make no sense


Yeah I talked to my friend about these and you can write about it. I can give you a little more details if you would want


I have a quick question. Is Piper going by she/they pronouns cuz thats what I think she would use. I’m not sure tho. Please tell me I need to know


@ilsems in the books she always uses she/her only but who knows ‍♀️ we don't see much about Piper after she became part of the LGBT community ya know


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Of course I can read it! I will add it to my library now


Thank you so much for the votes!! ❤️✨


And thank you for the awsome book, also, can I use the  idea of the “Late night talks 1” chapter? I will give credit and I will change a bit in my book for it to fit the story because I loved the idea.


And the follow ✨❤️✨