
this message may be offensive
I really want to write more and post here, but I just can't commit to a story and a posting schedule, no matter how hyped I am for it. I also have massive plot holes and my dialogue is so fucking awkward. I find it hilarious when people call me a good writer bc i'm far from it. 


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I really want to write more and post here, but I just can't commit to a story and a posting schedule, no matter how hyped I am for it. I also have massive plot holes and my dialogue is so fucking awkward. I find it hilarious when people call me a good writer bc i'm far from it. 


am i the only one that hates when someone writes about a ship, but genderbends only one character? it just irritates and bothers me so much. while i know it's not the case with most of the people that do it, it makes it seem like they didn't like that it was gay so they made it straight by making one character a girl or made  one character a guy (when referring to lesbian ships). I just really hate it and tend to avoid people/stories that do that. 


@_fallxnangels_ Yes i honestly hate it so much


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me & my friends were talking about the whole gay camps and we came to the conclusion that it would fail bc all the gays would just fuck. you cant tell me they wouldn't try to fuck the people working there- 


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i just realized how cringey and childish it is to put on forms or rules something like "(character) is mine!!". like jesus christ. i used to do the same thing, but i can admit it was cringey as fuck.