
Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving! I hope everyone’s having a good weekend so far.
          	I have a proposal for y’all. I’m in dire need to write another story and I don’t know which idea I should use. I’ve narrowed it down to 3 but you guys can choose the one I’ll start writing this Friday (and sorry in advance, there are kinda spoiler-y).
          	Option 1, Survival; A short story outlining what the boys (scömìche) would do alone if a nuclear bomb dropped just outside Fort Worth, trapping them underground for two weeks… right after they broke up.
          	Option 2, Sci-Fi; The trio’s life as the top of the school crumbles, or rather, glitches. One by one, as they pass out, the unmistakable feeling of drowning overwhelms their senses.
          	Option 3, Emotional Discovery; Mitch lives a heavenly life hated by demons, their grasp leeching into scars on his arms. When his vocals chords tighten up and he starts wheezing, Scott forces him into the Emergency Care Centre.
          	Comment which you’d like to see as #soon as possible!
          	Love y’all,


Please please write another SCÖMÍCHE book!! I loved "dare" and "Valentine" they were sooo good❤️❤️ I've never cried while reading fanfiction until I read yours!! You have so much potential as an author!!! Please keep writing!! 


Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving! I hope everyone’s having a good weekend so far.
          I have a proposal for y’all. I’m in dire need to write another story and I don’t know which idea I should use. I’ve narrowed it down to 3 but you guys can choose the one I’ll start writing this Friday (and sorry in advance, there are kinda spoiler-y).
          Option 1, Survival; A short story outlining what the boys (scömìche) would do alone if a nuclear bomb dropped just outside Fort Worth, trapping them underground for two weeks… right after they broke up.
          Option 2, Sci-Fi; The trio’s life as the top of the school crumbles, or rather, glitches. One by one, as they pass out, the unmistakable feeling of drowning overwhelms their senses.
          Option 3, Emotional Discovery; Mitch lives a heavenly life hated by demons, their grasp leeching into scars on his arms. When his vocals chords tighten up and he starts wheezing, Scott forces him into the Emergency Care Centre.
          Comment which you’d like to see as #soon as possible!
          Love y’all,


@sco-miche I REALLY like Survival 


Haven't said anything in a while; Hey! How are you guys? 
          You might know I'm about to finish writing Truth or Dare, so afterwards, should I do oneshots, finish 'Only 168 H.', or scrap 'Only 168 H.' and start with a new story idea? 
          Don't worry, whatever you guys want, I won't be offended. I'm honestly kind of sick of 'O. 168 H.' There's a bunch of story ideas in my head of all different genres, so what genre should I write next?


@Scomichelovexo I have a list of a couple dozen ideas but I'm open to suggestion! DM me if there's anything specific you want to see!!!


@sco-miche please start a w story if you need some ideas tgen just reply 


Real quick guys;
          Truth Or Dare + Wattys2017= good idea or bad idea?


great idea!!


Hey guys!
          June 12th, 2016 was the day I started posting Valentine. Yes, that sh!tty fanfic that showcases how much I've grown in the past year with my style.
          To celebrate, I've published a book I started writing in... August? No, February? Hmm, I actually don't know but you get the point.
          So... I admit it's not my best work in terms of how well written a prologue is but some feedback would be nice;
          Should I keep writing? Is it worth it?
          I'm gonna rewrite it if you guys deem it worthy so go read it and comment if I should stop or not!
          Love y'all,


For those wondering, this is why I've been inactive;
          Ever since Avi left PTX (May 12), I've been slightly more depressed than usual. That, plus my decision in December to *plot plot plot* making me write that part currently, has been kinda getting me a bit down. On Thursday, something happened, and since then (a week ago), I've been overly depressed to the point of not even getting out of bed, binge-eating, mild self harm, and some other unhealthy actions. Now when I listen to PTX or look at their photos, I see these unthinkably talented, successful people who all look absolutely amazing and are so comfortable and confident in their skin, while I see myself as a fat, untalented, useless person. I've been loosing my ability to draw, I got 80% on a math test (math and art, those are my two strong points), and I've just felt so different and unhappy. 
          When I go to school, I've been doing my best to put up a facade, which has been both mentally and emotionally draining. I couldn't even consider the idea of continuing to write a book with *plot plot plot*. 
          Anyways, I'm gonna stop here. I've had a good day today which is why I'm (I guess) reactivating my Wattpad. I'll think about Instagram but... It's not really the best place for me to go right now, all I see are smiling faces and I wonder why I can't be happy with myself. 
          Just thought you guys deserved to know. I'm so sorry for letting my personally life affect my book. 
          Love y'all so much,


I hope you guys don't mind but I'm gonna step away from all my social media until tomorrow. 
          For those who don't know what's going on, go onto Twitter, Insta, YouTube etc, but I really can't fully process everything so I'm gonna take a night off. Don't worry though, I'll update tomorrow. 
          Love y'all,
          (For those who need a bit of cheering up, Mike Grassi's Twitter page is wonderful)


Pretend all my regular emojis are there ;p


@sco-miche  I started reading Truth or Dare and became obsessed so I read your other ones too. I just read one of your tap stories, Scared of The Fog or something like that, and would like to inform you that i hate you and love you at the same time ❤


 Awwww thanks! I'm happy you enjoy my writing and it makes me feel giddy that you got obsessed. Thanks so much for reading!!!