
Not that I’ve been active lately, but I want to give a heads up that my semester is starting tomorrow and I really want to put effort in this time round, so I’m gonna be a bit hard to reach and updates will be minimal. It probably won’t last tbh I’ll probably give up three weeks in and start procrastinating all of my university stuff lmao
          	I’m still on discord, if you’d like to add me you can, link to my server is in my bio, it’s dead though.


It’s alr :)


Not that I’ve been active lately, but I want to give a heads up that my semester is starting tomorrow and I really want to put effort in this time round, so I’m gonna be a bit hard to reach and updates will be minimal. It probably won’t last tbh I’ll probably give up three weeks in and start procrastinating all of my university stuff lmao
          I’m still on discord, if you’d like to add me you can, link to my server is in my bio, it’s dead though.


It’s alr :)


If anyone is vaguely interested, I’m posting a spn and Lucifer crossover over on A03 (it won’t be on wattpad). If you want the a03 link lmk!


@RedwoodObsidian it is! The only downside is that it’s not an app, it’s a website. 


Oh damn they really did remove the private messages 


@FuryWraith yeah me either, I’m barely on here as it is lmao. But I know a lot of people used them 


Looks like they did, doesn’t affect me that much but I know a lot of people will be. 


          Today is ANZAC day. As always, we pay our respects to members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp who fought and lost their lives for our safety. Lest We Forget 


@RedwoodObsidian no you’re totally good don’t worry lmao it could happen to anyone 


@ilikehorsesandcake OHHHH yeah I'm kinda dumb sorry


@RedwoodObsidian sorry i think you misunderstood. ANZAC is called that because they fought together, not each other lmao 


I’ve seen a few people say that wattpad’s private messaging feature will be removed. I can’t say I use wattpad nearly as much as I used to, but this sucks as I know a lot of people use PMs.
          I do have discord, and if you’d like to talk to me, you’d have better luck adding me on there. I should have the link to my mostly dead server on my profile. Or you can talk to me here on the message board, my comments, etc etc. Idk if the PMS will be removed, but that is my plan if they do.