
Woop! One more Final exam tomorrow and I'm FREEEEEEEE!!!
          	Wow it's been crazy. But at last I can get back to writing <3
          	Here's to hoping I can battle my current addiction though. I'm having a hard time putting down the game called "Don't Starve", and actually, not just the game. Basically ANYTHING that has to do with it, including art and stories. (take my profile for example xD)
          	 I'm so tempted to write a fanfiction about the game.. >.<
          	No..... must resist!!! To. Many. Other. Projects!!!! xD


Greetings, our Prometheus ilia, I've been waiting for your fire of knowledge in your book about how not to suck at writing. I know us mear mortals do not deserve such knowledge and majesty from you. But none the less my queen. We need your help. I am truly ready to devote myself to your cause of elfery and non cliche writing. Please my queen thrust your fire of knowledge into my entire being. ❤️


Woop! One more Final exam tomorrow and I'm FREEEEEEEE!!!
          Wow it's been crazy. But at last I can get back to writing <3
          Here's to hoping I can battle my current addiction though. I'm having a hard time putting down the game called "Don't Starve", and actually, not just the game. Basically ANYTHING that has to do with it, including art and stories. (take my profile for example xD)
           I'm so tempted to write a fanfiction about the game.. >.<
          No..... must resist!!! To. Many. Other. Projects!!!! xD


A bit of news for all my followers:
          I'm so sorry about my absence or my failure to update many of my stories. Being a college student, it's been really hard for me to balance between homework, exams, studying, working at my job, and writing term papers, and having to get up so early every day in order to complete that, it's been a real struggle to post even something as simple as a poem every few day.
          I'm not going to give up though. I may be striving for 4.0s in college (A feat I've so far been able to accomplish <3), but that doesn't mean I'm going to sacrifice my writing. 
          I have one more week of school basically, maybe one and a half, and when that's over, I'm going to write like never before <3
          So you can expect more chapters added to: "The Desolation of Light"
          I'm going to help more people with writing tips in: "How not to write a Cliche story", 
          And I'm going to compose a TON more poems <3 All while getting back into reading REAL books at home. Maybe start wearing down at the huge stack of used books I keep buying from the library.
          Just hang in there with me guys, I'm doing my best and I'm going to keep giving it my all. If there's one thing I am, it's hard working, and I'd NEVER give up on my dreams to keep writing <3


@ilia_the_elf Can't wait ^^ Make sure not to stress yourself out too much ^^ Good luck until your break!


Okay, this week has to be dedicated to the book review I'm writing for in college on the Novella: A Clockwork Orange. I won't be able to contain working on my chapters or anything else until the paper is over.
          However, I WILL still continue to upload poetry for those that are interested. Remember to check out "Where the Leaves Fall" since a new poem should pop up every 3-5 days. (Sometimes sooner)
          Thank you all of you who are still keeping up and hey, shoot me a message sometime if you want to chat. Trust me, I don't bite. Well... at least not too much xD


Well everyone? I'm back... sorta xD
          Let's just say I've gotten really REALLY tired of not writing anything here. So I'm going to start posting some poetry in a new novel of mine and hopefully later on when I have less writing projects at school, I can continue working on "The Desolation of Light" (which as you might have noticed is my book "The Voyage for Light" with a new title. I needed something a bit more befitting)
          Oh! For those who are still interested, I decided to make The Desolation of Light the first book in a brand new Trilogy known as the "Of Light and Darkness" trilogy. I absolute CAN'T WAIT to get started on it <3
          I wonder if I still have any followers left after such a long absence so it would mean a great deal to me if anyone who still cares about myself of my novels please leave a reply to this. Something as short and sweet as the word "hi" would be absolutely fine. I just want to know if I'm going to be writing in vain. 
          Anyways, thank you all for reading and hopefully I'll have some new things up for you guys to enjoy soon ^-^


@JonathanKonopka  Awww, that's so sweet of you <3
            Thank you so much. It means a lot to me that you're still interested in my work after how long I've been gone. 
            Thank you and I hope not to disappoint ^u^


I'm sure a lot of you have decided that I've died now due to inactivity and well.. maybe that would be the case, but I just wanted to let all of you know what's really going on.
          I recently started college and I've enrolled in above the  suggested number of classes. (and now I realize why that was a dumb idea. -_- )
          So I'm currently buried under a mountain of homework and won't be on here except maybe to upload a chapter every now and then (which hopefully I'll be able to work on over the weekends).
          I'm sorry about this but as much as I love my followers and I love writing, education comes first.  I hope you guys can hang in there with me. This is a bit of a rough time in my life with this hectic schedule and it'll be awhile before I get all of it figured out...


@ilia_the_elf  I enrolled in eight college courses at once, so I understand your pain. But you can do it! :3


Oh my gosh, THANK YOU EVERYONE!! My book has made it to the VERY final round of stories in the Wattpad competition. I'm absolutely THRILLED!!!
          All it needs now is a few more votes, maybe one or two at the most and It'll win FIRST PLACE!!! I'm so happy :')
          Please visit this page and leave a vote if you like my story <3

          I'd truly appreciate it so very much <3