
sorry but there won’t be a new update in a few days maybe weeks im not sure, ao3 curse might’ve caught up to me and i had to go to the doctors i need blood work and x ray done soon, my mom had a argument with my brother cause of me soooo i dont have motivation to write at all right now and im not sure i will 
          	im really sorry and i promise i will get back to this asap because i really did like writing this :(


sorry but there won’t be a new update in a few days maybe weeks im not sure, ao3 curse might’ve caught up to me and i had to go to the doctors i need blood work and x ray done soon, my mom had a argument with my brother cause of me soooo i dont have motivation to write at all right now and im not sure i will 
          im really sorry and i promise i will get back to this asap because i really did like writing this :(


kinda cooked !! 
          so uhm liy(oy) is on hiatus……. !?,).$/8
          because of testing and also cause i think im pouring chapters out to quick and i think i need some time to develop better chapters in general !!
          but if you like lizrei then i have a story for you!!!!!!! :p a little but of the reason im pausing on liy is because ive been hyper fixating lately on couplez and been focusing on this roommates fic for them and its been clouding up my head!!!!!!!!
          im so sorry for the hiatus!! i’ll be back soon with a chapter (hopefully longer) in no time ! 
          thank uuu


the lizrei story should be out on ao3 and here in maybe a day or two? i want to finish another chapter before i release it


im gonna post one more chapter (maybe two) in a few days and then im taking a break
          i have a full month of testing and that is NOT fun at all so i dont think ill be able to post for a good month 
          please be patient as i wont abandon this fic !! im just taking a small hiatus 


some1 tell my ass to stop making new stories every second and leave them unfinished tthis id the worst habit of mine
          new story is a historic one of ningselle (princess x knight) except its dramatic!!
          heres a snippet if anyone cares
          “That even with her last dying breath, her final words would still be, “I’ll love you forever, my sun.”
          Their love story told by their best friends.
          Winter KMJ.  Jimin   YJM.
          - May 18, 1716”