
The movie Flyboys has inspired me to create that one character who seems to know a bit too much information about the specific villains' henchmen but everyone just accepts that


@ifluttershy hey I was wondering if you are gonna up date ratchet x reader story? 


Hey everybody! I'm starting to think that I'm spamming you guys. Sorry about that. BUT! I've started a new roleplay, based on an anime that is near and dear to to my heart, Fruits Basket. I have a LOT of roles to fill, so please, if you have any interest in cute comedic anime, similar to Ouran High School Host Club, please check it out! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Somebody please tell me that making another role play is a bad idea, and that I couldn't possibly end up filling 17 roles.


@LostinWonderment Alrighty! The teaser is up!


@LostinWonderment this one could either end up being totally happy fluffy comedic, or really depressing. Fruits Basket kinda goes to both ends of the scale. There are a lot of tragic backstories. 


So I just finished watching...
          Firefly Serenity
          You thought I was gonna say End Game didn't you?
          Nope, that's tomorrow. Two soul crushing movies in one weekend, what could go wrong?
          The answer: feeling like I couldn't ever be happy again for a few days. Either that or feeling like I'm stuck in some baren apocalyptic wasteland with very little company. I'm dramatic. I'll be fine.


@ifluttershy yeah. Shepherd, too. I’m at least happy they gave Shepherd a graphic novel. If only they would do that with the rest of the characters.


@My-Name-Is-Lance I don't know how well they can after the movie. Firefly without Wash? That's a sad thought. Book I can handle, but Wash... that's sad.


@ifluttershy yeah. The movie was awesome, but I feel like we could get so much more out of just continuing the show.