
For all Potterheads, I was really behind on the memo and just found out about Blackinnon last night and now I've read this really great fanfic and I'm just so destroyed right now from the feels so... yeah. It's called 101 Ways To Fall In Love by @marauder-time so check it out, especially if you haven't been depressed about a ship in a while.


Bonjour Je fais de la publicités pour mes livres , alors n'hésite pas à y jeter un petit coup d'œil , et a laisser un commentaire ou à m'ajouter ! je te remercie d'avance et je ferais de même pour toi si tu venait a t'abonner à moi ! Bonne soirée et merci d'avance 


For all Potterheads, I was really behind on the memo and just found out about Blackinnon last night and now I've read this really great fanfic and I'm just so destroyed right now from the feels so... yeah. It's called 101 Ways To Fall In Love by @marauder-time so check it out, especially if you haven't been depressed about a ship in a while.


Next chapter of The Ravens Grow Up will be introducing a new character. The person is someone everyone knows, or at least, they think they know. This new character is looking for a new beginning and plans to find one by diving into their past. I hope you're all excited for them to make their mighty return to Tree Hill. It's sure to cause quite a stir.