
sorry i didn't post for a few weeks! i finished college and went on a road trip w my partner but i'm back and will upload everything i've written over the next couple days!


hi y’all! i started rewatching supernatural at the start of quarantine and become obsessed again so i’m writing a new fic and three chapters are already up. i hope you love it, i’ll be uploading weekly/twice a week, and maybe even more in 3 weeks once i graduate!!


@idkbaands  yeah and now got done with supernatural it is sad at the end


@brianna2025 it’s the perfect way to emotionally ruin yourself... for fun


@idkbaands  i,m on the last season and i,m going to  rewatching supernatural


HEY so i’m back (maybe) but i had a few things i wanted to say.
          i reposted everything for Deadly. i know i wanted to rewrite it but i’m not really into supernatural anymore so it wasn’t fun for me. so what’s edited is edited, and everything else will be left as is. i hope you can understand that. Deadly is very special to me, it’s my first ever work i published online and it all started from a 7th grade obsession and a dream i had one night. now i’m a junior in college, a creative writing major, and have works published in a few online magazines! so thank you so much for your support at my start, a huge reason i’m following my dreams is people read and supported me on wattpad.
          i do still write fanfiction, and have been periodically writing stranger things fics on my tumblr (stranger-lex). i’m thinking of writing a full length fic, and i’ll be posting it to tumblr but i’m wondering if i should post it here as well. i’d love to continue sharing my work on wattpad, but i understand it isn’t supernatural and that’s what this account was originally for. please let me know what y’all think, and thank you so much for everything!


alright guys. I outlined Deadly. I may rewrite small bits of what's already posted because the story is changing quite a bit, so I'll post another message if I feel it's significant enough that it needs to be re-read. hopefully I'll have a few chapters up tonight. 


@idkbaands DON'T
          You'll regret it
          Just leave them alone.  Ignore the stories.  You don't have to work on it, but you can still just let them sit and collect reads and comments.


deadly has maybe 4 written parts up. the rest were removed and because I changed up the story slightly, it wouldn't make sense to republish them. I don't think it's fair to anyone who wants to read it to never be able to finish it because I have it up and won't update


i'm thinking of deleting deadly and 1:57, possibly permanently, possibly temporarily. i'm not motivated to continue re-writing deadly, it's become more chore-like to even think of working on it, and i don't want to turn my writing into something i feel forced to do. i hope you guys understand...


deadly only has a few parts up though...


@idkbaands I understand but please don't delete them I absolutely love both these books and would miss them and so would a lot of people.  Leave them up and come back whenever you are ready to write them.