
Im permanently deleting my account 


Lol thing, so basically I hate boys,
          So I've known this guy since elementary school and I started having a crush on him, he found out and idk if he likes me back but he wanted to play a game. (The game was basically truth or dare but instead of dare it's a tt he said "more spicy truth") I was like why not so we started playing and I asked him t or tt and he said tt, i had to think about it but I asked if he was a virgin and he said no. RED FLAG. I should have stopped there but he asked t or tt and I felt pressured to say tt well he asked when was the last time you were horny and I was like no this makes me uncomfortable and I had a crush on you bc I thought u were sweet and a good kid but this isn't happening. 


this message may be offensive
I feel so bad for someone, they fell for me and we got together and it was a happy relationship but then we both kinda fell out of it and now they are in love with me she and I'm not gay and I just feel so fucking bad because I hate declining people like that


@GFJRBLCN I meant to say again not she