
uM- MiStAKES WERE MADE- RECCENTLY I’VE BEEN PLAYING Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All- anD uH- So I love Luci and all but- Diavolo- so- I just finished Lesson 14~ In one of the earlier lessons, when Satan and Lucifer switched bodies and Diavolo asked Luci (Satan) why he didn’t come to the haul, and Luci (Satan) said something like “I dreamed about you and I couldn’t get any sleep”- aNd nOw hErE i aM MAKING A DIAVOLO X LUCIFER BOOK HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 
          	P.s call 911 please- ksksksks


          	  *dials 991 but dosent speak because hee social skills are sh*t*


uM- MiStAKES WERE MADE- RECCENTLY I’VE BEEN PLAYING Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All- anD uH- So I love Luci and all but- Diavolo- so- I just finished Lesson 14~ In one of the earlier lessons, when Satan and Lucifer switched bodies and Diavolo asked Luci (Satan) why he didn’t come to the haul, and Luci (Satan) said something like “I dreamed about you and I couldn’t get any sleep”- aNd nOw hErE i aM MAKING A DIAVOLO X LUCIFER BOOK HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 
          P.s call 911 please- ksksksks


            *dials 991 but dosent speak because hee social skills are sh*t*