
Akhirnya aku update lagi >< kali ini ada cerita baru judulnya HOUSE of Aagard yang menceritakan Glenia yang terlahir dengan rambut putih walau dunia tempat ia berada menjunjung orang berambut gelap. Ia akhirnya berusaha menerima takdirnya dan mencari keluarganya. Namun ternyata keluarganya bukanlah yang seperti ia kira. Cek kalau tertarik~
          	Semoga suka <3


@Kaiwa24 owo AKU BELUM UP WKWK



Akhirnya aku update lagi >< kali ini ada cerita baru judulnya HOUSE of Aagard yang menceritakan Glenia yang terlahir dengan rambut putih walau dunia tempat ia berada menjunjung orang berambut gelap. Ia akhirnya berusaha menerima takdirnya dan mencari keluarganya. Namun ternyata keluarganya bukanlah yang seperti ia kira. Cek kalau tertarik~
          Semoga suka <3


@Kaiwa24 owo AKU BELUM UP WKWK


Suka Genre: Action, fantasy, and science fiction?
          Menjadi salah satu manusia istimewa di zaman yang tingkat kecanggihannya melebihi ekspektasi cukup menguntungkan menurutku. Di saat orang lain hanya bisa mendengar sekitarnya, aku bisa mendengar sesuatu yang berjarak ratusan kilometer.
          Tapi, terkadang aku berpikir, bahwa keistimewaanku ini hanya membuatku tersiksa. Karena tidak bisa menyelamatkan orang-orang yang kusayangi dari bahaya.
          Di sini aku tidak sedang mengutuk keistimewaanku, tapi mengutuk kiamat yang datang saat kepekaan telingaku sangat baik.


Hi there!
          I’m sorry I couldn’t do this before, but I’ve been trying to thank everyone who has taken time to read, vote, or add my book to their reading list, but Wattpad only lets me do it a certain amount of times. Regardless, these days I’ve seen you giving my story so much love that I don’t even know how to thank you. I know Wattpad has a ton of great stories, thousands upon thousands that I know are much better than mine, but the fact that you gave mine a chance means a lot to me. ♥️ If at any given point you have any suggestions, questions or complaints, be sure to let me know!
          Also, if you’re in search for another good story, I can totally recommend you some of my favorites in this platform ♥️
          Let me know if you ever need anything!
          I hope you have an amazing day! xx


@Arianna_1204 really? I never knew that wattpad can take that as a spam. It's cool actually that you made the story when you were 16, so now you're 19 I guess?
            Thanks for the tips ♥️♥️ I never realize that knowing your characters and see them as a real people has a big impact to the story. That helps me a lot! Thanks ><
            Btw, have an amazing day too ♥️


I should be thanking you, actually haha ♥️
            Seriously, I always see every vote and all, but Wattpad kind of sucks when it comes to letting you write on everyone’s wall because then they think you’re spamming people and—ugh, the tragedy.
            But I’m so happy and honored that you’ve liked it so far, and regarding chemistry... Hmm, that’s a tough one. I actually want to change a bit of Hunter and Olivia’s initial relationship just because I started writing this three years ago when I was sixteen (and God only knows I was into insta loves), and my perspective on a lot of things has changed, so I will keep the chemistry but I do want them to actually work to find that, yeah, they kind of like each other. So I feel like that’s how you achieve real chemistry between characters. Make them know each other, find out what they like, what they don’t like—how do they compliment each other? Those are some general thoughts you should have before diving into the “romance” aspects of a story :)
            If you have any more questions regarding writing or my book, or if there’s anything you need, be sure to let me know ♥️
            Have an amazing day! xx


@Arianna_1204 omg, I don't expect you to notice me! Oh, I'm so happy ♥️ You're really are a lovely and humble person ♥️
            But your story is just great, awesome. I really like your story, and it's because they are indeed awesome. How you build their character, and emotion is just attracted me to read more! <3 Can I ask you how you even build the emotion and chemistry as good as that? 
            Lots of love from me ♥️♥️