
So, check it out, I deleted my story. I'm currently re-writing it. It's already so much better than what it was.


Hi, I came across your quote by accident about your surname being a guitar.
          Your surname is from the 8th century in the northern part of spain 'Asturias', (celtic-iberian).  'Iba' means river - in the basque language  or proto-spanish (a language residue from cave duelling time). nez - means son/daughter of..... in the same way as O'connor and Mac' Donald have it fixed to the word to create the surname (It was the visigoths who introduced surnames to europe/spain). After the muslim invasion of spain the Iberians/celts and visigoths ran to the mountainous regions for defence, they started to family groups as a war cry to run to the river, in defence against the arab armies. Hope this makes your day. :)


SO, one of my posts on here got marked as offensive. I understand why it was, but I'm kind of confused because as far as I know, I'm kind of a nobody on here so I'm not sure how it got marked if nobody really knows who I am.. It's kinda weird... Anyway, the message said that my computer crashed so I won't be updating for a very long time. But I'm brainstorming other story ideas sooo... yeah. And I'm sorry for who ever I offended, I was really mad and when I get mad I curse, a lot. Sorry hehe.


Dogs suffer from anxiety? O.o who knew? And there's a vest that makes them calm... Yeah, I totally get that, I have clothes that bug the crap outta me so much that I'm calm too. Stupid people think that a vest that the damn dog will probably hate and make it freak out more. Or scare it so much that it just won't move. Damn people...


What's awkward is that I'm in love with the country singer Jake Owen, but my ex's name is ironically Jake Owen. I put "I <3 Jake Owen!!" on my email status and I got like twenty emails from friends, family, and even my boyfriend all basically saying "WTF?! I thought you were with Chris?! What happened?!" Oops, I guess I have to watch what I type more often, huh?