
I am sorry guys for not updating nowadays . Actually I am shifting to a new country next week and due to this I am extremely busy . I am writing the next chapter though so as soon as I finish it , will update u all 


Hello lovelies :)♡ 
          Yeah yeah i know I have been highly inactive  but there were alot of things going on in my life .. but I will try to make you guys happy .. 
          Chapter 7 will be uploaded today before 8pm , it will be a short chapter .. but as a compensation , I will upload chapters daily this week ... till then plz support me ❣


Hey all!! Instagram just suspended my account today  I worked really hard with my posts but now its all waste .. plz tell me how can i get my account back . I have followed every insta's community guidelines but still my acc is suspended 


@iauthorrooh yeah i have posted an appeal to the insta team .. let just wait for a day or else my hardwork will be wasted 


@iauthorrooh try sending a G-mail to them. If not working you gotta create a new account 


@iauthorrooh girll somebody would have reported ... Dw girl just create another acc