
Okay guys, so if you cant find the name of the author on Quizilla for the first part of this Joker story, then try going to Google and typing in the name "Iamnotthenamless" hopefully it will show up then, I hope this helps =)


If you guys are looking for an AMAZING Joker fanfiction.  I suggest going to Fanfiction.com and looking up Alys98.  She is currently taking a little break from writing her Fanfics, but they are so incredibly vivid, and have amazing detail.  I definitely recommend giving them a read, I promise that it will be totally worth it! =)


Hello Everyone, long time no talk haha.  You can find the first part of this story on Quizilla.com under the same user name iamnothenameless.  Sadly, we have had no luch locating the author of the story which is a total bummer, but let's no lose hope, she's out there somewhere.  Hopefully she will realize how much people love her story and decide to start it up agian.  Until then, Enjoy!