
Anyway, the previous post wasn't just a rant. I've come here to ask for help. If you see any NGO or any individual who's trying to collect funds to provide some kind of financial aid to the Palestinians, please contribute. Even if it's just rupees 10 or something. Do it. The situation out there is unexplainable. If you need me to tell you about any such organisation or individual, you can DM me here or on Instagram. I'm connected with a few of them and I gurantee you that THEY'RE NOT FRAUDS. 
          	Also, while were busy with this, let's not forget our brothers and sisters who're suffering in Afghanistan. The earthquakes have caused great damage over there and we owe them help. 
          	Please pray. No matter what religion you belong to, just pray. Palestine does not comprise of Muslims only. There are Christians and Jews as well who are being bombed and killed mercilessly. So please, I beg you, pray for them. 


@iamnagma may Allah protect them inshallah I will always put them in my daily prayers 


Hello!. Sorry to post here without your permission.  But can you please give this story a chance if you have time? I am also prepared to accept any constructive criticism. Thank you.
          Have you ever thought that your childhood crush would be so intoxicating that never give a chance to like anybody else?  This is madness right? 
          This story is about Aliya and her eternal crush Tahmeed.


Hi there! It's me, a super new author in the field, and I've got something exciting to share with you! ✨ Inspired by the incredible work of Sonal_writes, I've just released my debut book, 'Tashan: The Crossword Love,' on Wattpad! It's a captivating story that will take you on a journey of love, friendship, and mystery. I poured my heart and soul into this book, and I can't wait for you to dive into it! Check it out and let me know what you think. Happy reading, my friend! 
          Below is the link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/358446345?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=An_Introvert_writes&wp_originator=XT32ElxLxx47pIYT0CE2%2Fo4k3QYWD0QT77z4Jz9Qj1gis0NeLBJbQMxHV9pee1jHcbB2%2BZDYi5E2M1xj76FdOWeUOzogFBqhyCvicZLUVyADQ19bnt0sPIpXTNO8Ewgp


Anyway, the previous post wasn't just a rant. I've come here to ask for help. If you see any NGO or any individual who's trying to collect funds to provide some kind of financial aid to the Palestinians, please contribute. Even if it's just rupees 10 or something. Do it. The situation out there is unexplainable. If you need me to tell you about any such organisation or individual, you can DM me here or on Instagram. I'm connected with a few of them and I gurantee you that THEY'RE NOT FRAUDS. 
          Also, while were busy with this, let's not forget our brothers and sisters who're suffering in Afghanistan. The earthquakes have caused great damage over there and we owe them help. 
          Please pray. No matter what religion you belong to, just pray. Palestine does not comprise of Muslims only. There are Christians and Jews as well who are being bombed and killed mercilessly. So please, I beg you, pray for them. 


@iamnagma may Allah protect them inshallah I will always put them in my daily prayers 


Assalamualaikum, this post isn't about any of my books or anything related to them. I just felt like writing down what I've been feeling since past few days. So if you feel like you wanna skip reading this, you're completely free to do so.
          Those who follow me on Instagram are aware of how I have been trying to spread awareness of the situation of my Palestinian brothers and sisters in any way possible. It's devastating. It's painful. Allah knows how I, alongwith some of the people around me who truly have a conscience, have been praying for the oppressed. It's so hard to keep going given the helplessness that's so evident around us. But that is all we can do. As muslims, as humans, it our duty and our responsibility to pray for all those who are struggling.
          It angers and shocks me how some people are still blaming the Palestinians for fighting back. I don't understand how can a human being do that? Are these baboons really asking the oppressed to justify their RIGHT TO LIVE? How did the human mind get so messed up? Where did we fail? How did we fail? Do we really deserve to be called humans after all that we've allowed to happen? 


          I hope you are doing good author 
          As a newbie writer getting inspired
          I have written my new book called as Zehra 
          It would be great if you will read my this story and give me a review so that I can improve on my work 
          Pls consider my request


Please accept my apologies for sharing my story prior to your permission. It'd mean the world for you to look at my book and provide your feedback❣️
          Prepare to be captivated as sparks fly, hearts kindle, and emotions ignite, igniting a blaze of longing within you. The intensity of their connection will draw you into a narrative so vivid that you'll swear you can feel the heat rising off the pages.
          With a narrative that radiates the heat of their emotions, this is a tale that will both warm your heart and scorch your senses. As you delve into the pages, you'll find yourself immersed in a world where love knows no boundaries, and the yearning between Agni and Svaha is palpable.
          Embrace the allure of this story, let yourself be carried away by its fiery currents, and discover a passion that will leave an indelible mark on your literary soul. 
          So, dear reader, seize this opportunity to experience a tale of passion, destiny, and enduring ardour with Agni.
          New chapters on the 7th and 21st of each month!