
Hey guys, so I lost my account ! But now I’m back :> and I’ll update again n stuff so dw ! I got a lot cooking in the chamber muhehe… 


Hey author, 
          First of all, you write surprisingly brilliant. Your ideas do have a standard. Among all your books, I found "Undeserving Of Love" to be the prettiest. But, however, I am displeased with the utterly unexplained ending. I sincerely want you to actually complete it. Also, thanks for reading! Saranghae ~


@iamalwaysshaking yup I totally understand you :) and OMG you called me an 'angel', Tears Of Happiness ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ 


@megha_vvd thank u for the commentary !! I appreciate your feedback. Undeserving of Love was definitely rushed, and the writing isn’t great because it was one of my first books. Writing is way better in my most recent book, and that one will have a well thought-out conclusion! As for Undeserving, I’m not sure if I’ll have the time to revise and rewrite everything currently, but I hopefully will in the future !! <3 thank u for taking the time angel 


My Vampire Roommate is genuinely so funny and well written, stayed up all night starting to read it! You’re a great author. Hope you’re having a good day/night :)


oh wow thank u for taking the time to read, and leaving this message :,) I honestly think it’s one of my worst books, it has so many misspells and missed opportunities. If you have the time, please look into my other books <3 those are better written and far more enjoyable!! Again, thank u for being such an angel, you have a good week ahead of u :) 


me : damnn I rlly wanna write rn..that means I gotta start a new book..
          the 70+ drafts in my folder: are we a joke to u? 


@MoonYoongiReose Thank u for the support <3 im sorta in a writers block rn but im slowly getting out so hopefully i can finish all these ideas….love ur pfp btw :,) 


@iamalwaysshaking do it and I'm a new follower 