
I need friends...honest to God, true friends. Ones that'll be fiercely loyal and protective of me like I would be of them. Maybe it because I love too hard or I trust to quickly; perhaps that's why its so easy to break my spirit...


naya is my best friend and my sister !! I love you so much...
          What if we live far away from you my heart and my mind is always with you...


@annebali I love you even more, Buse. You are amazing, I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you so much for the love and support. You really are the best sister in the world!


@Incognito136 Oh stop it you! You're becoming far too good for my ego! My words are nothing but the truth, you really do have tremendous talent and I can't wait to see it grow.
          You are very welcome!
          I'm Nayalynn, but please feel free to call me Lynn, its very nice to meet you Nicole.
          I hope we can be friends,