
Writing new material soon!<3


This is what's happening:
          ~Crash is gonna be left alone because it's done.
          ~ I'll finish Olivia Grace (soon, maybe) and I'm unsure about the idea of a sequel.
          ~I finished "Reading Between The Lines"
          ~I'll be putting up an imagine book once I finish OG.


This is what's happening (if you were here for Found, this will make more sense):
          ~Crash is gonna be left alone because it's done.
          ~Found (has been deleted), TMD, Irresistible, and Magic (unwritten) will be one fanfiction.
          ~ I'll finish Olivia Grace (soon, maybe) and I'm not doing a sequel.
          ~I'll finish LMFY
          ~I finished "Reading Between The Lines"
          ~I'll be putting up an imagine book once I finish OG and get farther into LMFY.


This is what's happening (if you were here for Found, this will make more sense):
          ~Crash is gonna be left alone because it's done. Later on, I may do a sequel, but not right now.
          ~Found (has been deleted), TMD, Irresistible, and Magic (unwritten) will be one fanfiction.
          ~ I'll finish Olivia Grace while possibly doing a sequel.
          ~I'll finish LMFY (ON MY OWN @Kayleigh_Jones)
          ~I'll be putting up an imagine book
          ~I've written down the titles to MM songs, and I'm writing my meaning behind them. It'll be called "Reading Between The Lines", and I'll post it as a whole (hopefully) at a TBA date.
          Thank you if you read this and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! <3


Okay, guys, listen up.
          People always send me on a guilt trip if I don't put them in my fanfictions originally. Honestly, I'm sick of it. I will put you in my fanfictions if I want. If I don't, I'll try and find one to put you in if a part comes up, but if you ask, you're not in it at all. Okay? Thanks.