
          	i think I should clarify i haven’t died 
          	i have been focusing on school and keeping up with a social life. It’s been awhile since I posted a chapter and I’m planning on updating more if u guys still wanna read them. My writing has improved and I’m excited to continue this book
          	Thank you for supporting the chapters and I hope u all are doing well<3 


@hwytohell hello missed you!! And I love your book and I’ll still read! But take your time pls! :D <3 


@hwytohell It improved? And here I thought your writing couldn't get any better! Rereading these all chapters has been lovely <3


          i think I should clarify i haven’t died 
          i have been focusing on school and keeping up with a social life. It’s been awhile since I posted a chapter and I’m planning on updating more if u guys still wanna read them. My writing has improved and I’m excited to continue this book
          Thank you for supporting the chapters and I hope u all are doing well<3 


@hwytohell hello missed you!! And I love your book and I’ll still read! But take your time pls! :D <3 


@hwytohell It improved? And here I thought your writing couldn't get any better! Rereading these all chapters has been lovely <3


I thought I’d clarify that there won’t be a chapter this week. There’s recently been a pretty bad wild fire near me, and I’ve been evacuated for some time now. I just haven’t gotten around to writing anything with how stressful everything is. 
          That being said, I’m not ending this book by any means. I love writing so there will be more chapters soon. 
          Stay safe, and thank you for so much support <3 


@hwytohell Take some time to rest, all of this is pretty stressful for you, we can wait!


@hwytohell oh my goodness, hope you're safe author! Please don't worry about it, we all understand completely!! ❤


Hi I have never requested anything before but I wonder if you can like George and Dream are a couple and then George have been feeling like He/him pronouns doesn’t fit and he wants too go by they/them and he has like a really big struggle too tell that too Dream but then he does it and Dream supports it. I hope you understand I am not really good at explaining


hii how are u? i just wanted to ask for a small favor.my friend @dreamssmps is a writer aswell,but lately she hasn't rlly been getting alot of attention,so i was wondering if you could mention her in your next part? her bdays coming up and i think she'd be happy :) no worries if u can't,ty anyways!!