
Help me. I have been bullied a lot in school. People have been calling me 'Awkward Anna' make fun of my As and Bs, laugh at the fact I don't wear makeup or have a boyfriend. A kid torments me 24/7 because I love reading. That same kid ripped up one of my favorite book series (Harry Potter) in my face. He laughed at me because I think Marvel is boring. They think it's soooo funny that I sing off-key and dance 'weird.' People think I am a baby because I am scared of flu shots. They look through my backpack when it unattended and found a stuffie that I carry with me and made fun of me. When I was getting my ears pierced, a girl said, 'don't worry, it just feels like a shot' even though she KNEW I was terrified of them. They call me a freak because I would rather read than play video games. I am so sick of it and need it to be over.



Help me. I have been bullied a lot in school. People have been calling me 'Awkward Anna' make fun of my As and Bs, laugh at the fact I don't wear makeup or have a boyfriend. A kid torments me 24/7 because I love reading. That same kid ripped up one of my favorite book series (Harry Potter) in my face. He laughed at me because I think Marvel is boring. They think it's soooo funny that I sing off-key and dance 'weird.' People think I am a baby because I am scared of flu shots. They look through my backpack when it unattended and found a stuffie that I carry with me and made fun of me. When I was getting my ears pierced, a girl said, 'don't worry, it just feels like a shot' even though she KNEW I was terrified of them. They call me a freak because I would rather read than play video games. I am so sick of it and need it to be over.


Hi, guys, I have been thinking, what is the point of living. And here is my answer: Happiness and Kindness. Think of two animals. One predator and one prey. I am thinking of a bear and a deer. What is the deer's point in life? Eat, reproduce, hide from bears, sleep, repeat. What is the bear's job? Kill the deer, eat, reproduce, sleep, repeat. What is our point? Love. Imagine how boring your life would be as an animal. Right now, I want you to do some tasks for me.
          1. Think of your happiest memory. Just a simple one. Like, someone told you a really funny joke. Or a hug from a loved one who is no longer with us.
          2. Think of the smells that used to surround you when you were little. Was it snickerdoodles in the oven? Playing with Playdoh?
          3. What is something really simple that you are looking forward to? Is is dinner? Bedtime? I have a bit of dialogue from my favorite T.V. show that I love:
          "Everyone, when you got on this bus what where were  you going and what were you going to do?"
          "Nothing much we were just going to go home and cook some pork chops, nothing fancy."
          "I was going to go visit my son who's wife just had a baby."
          " I was going to bed after a long hard day." 
          "I was going to go and read a book until bed."
          "Good. No all of you, hold on to that, pork chops, new grandchild, bed, books. Hold on to all of those simple things. I will get you all there."
          Life is the greatest miracle of all. Live it to the fullest.


Guyd, I need help. I have been diagnosed with depression. I have been having suicidal thoughts for the past month. I am on medicine to help me. I have been thinking about stabbing myself with a knife from the kitchen. When I told my doctors this, they told my parents to lock the knives up. I need help. This isn't a joke. This is actually real life. Even reading and writing doesn't bring me joy anymore. If anyone has ever felt this way, and has overcome this, please tell me some tips and tricks to help me get through this difficult time.


@hungergamesaddict25 awee :( I'm so sorry to hear that. the best way is to actually - rant. Or write a diary. You need to let it out, cause bottling it will just eat you up in the long run. I've been there. I once tried to choke myself with a water hose. If you need anyone to rant about how injustice life is or something that troubles you, I'm here ❤
            also ~ happy new year, Anna (:



@Naomichio Yes of course! I just published the forms, and being the Head of House for Slytherin is still open if you hurry and apply!


@hungergamesaddict25 aww! I'll remember to check out the forms once youve published them though! if there is an abruptly empty spot for potions, could you tell me?


@Naomichio Thank you so much for being interested! I am still preparing the forms but will publish them immediately, unfortunately, we already have a potions professor. We have every job open except potions and History of Magic.