
Me: *sees someone replied to one of my comments*
          	Me: *clicks on it*
          	Me: *laughs at my own comment*


Me: I don't know what my gender is, but I'm definitely not completely female (if at all)
          Also me: IM SO GAY, IM SUCH A FUJOSHI LESBIAN!!!!! 
          Like, why do I do this 
          I literally want a male body
          Why am I calling myself a girl
          G e e z e 


@StarryNebula cause society forces people to think that human body parts determine who we are on the inside. You can have a V and call yourself a dude, but the world will still see you as female instead.


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I fucking hate myself 
          I know i just said I didn't care but,
          If I go blind I won't be able to read my gay porn anymore.


@StarryNebula the 10 minute difference between this post and your last one 


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So my dumbass thought it would be a good idea to look directly at the partial solar eclipse today without any eye protection despite the ENDLESS warnings. Several times. I can see just fine right now, my eyes don't hurt or anything, but apparently the effects might not set in until tomorrow, if my eyes are damaged.
          So if I can still see tomorrow I'll let you know.
          If I am completely inactive, it will be because I can't see shit. 
          I feel like I should be more freaked out but 1) I doubt my eyes are damaged, 2) If they are it's my fault, and 3) I don't really care about anything at this point like I'm just-
          Anyways, if you want to say any last goodbyes or inform me that I'm fine (or the opposite), please do
          But hurry