
Alright... I'm writing right now.


I am nearly positive that nobody read my post from yesterday, and that is completely okay with me (I'm sure nobody will read this one either). Regarding what I said about starting a new project, it is happening. I am in the middle of writing the first chapter of whatever I end up calling it. I do not entirely know what it is about yet, but I do know it revolves around a seventeen year old boy named Thomas Brecken. Because I still don't know what I'm doing, exactly, I don't know how the plot will progress at all. This is why I would like help. If anybody is reading this post, please stay with me, and watch for further updates. I would love suggestions, criticism, and support, because I have never fully tried to put effort into writing something. I have only had an idea and jotted it down and put other words in between to make it make sense. That method did not work; all of those stories were terrible. This one is true effort on my part, and I would genuinely love to have others help push me to write. If you have gotten this far, I sincerely ask: please, if at any moment it seems like I am slacking off, send me a message, or comment on the story, and tell me to continue. I will try my hardest to do so, because I want to finish this.
          Much love, 


Hello. It has been three years and I have just unpublished all of my works because they are the worst things I have ever created. I will not be republishing them, unless somebody bribes me with money. I may or may not be writing something in the following months, but if I do begin, it will be finished. I am not sure how long it would take, but it would be completed at some point.
          Happy summer, 
          Ps. Name change to occur soon. This one sucks. 


I realized today that it has technically been only a few months since I was last here, but I haven't been actively writing for three years. Just wanted to clear that up.


          Hello. It's me. 
          I was wondering if after all these years you would like to come back and read my latest addition, Herold and the Bad #$$ Donkey Gang - A Collection of Short Stories regarding Herold and his Donkey Gang, 
          and go over everything
          that I've written in the past, even though it's all dead meat.
          Hello. Can you hear me?
          I've been working hard and dreaming about what my future will be
          and how I'll go about achieving my dreams,
          but I'm back now and I'll begin to upload frequently.
          It will get better, for all of us, 
          now that I can start to write.
          So bye-bye to you writer's block
          Yeah bye-bye to that stupid block
          that's keeping me from writing, and making you laugh,
          now I'll try to be better, and start with a draft
          Bye-bye to you writers block
          You're like a dirty, grimy sock
          there's nobody that likes you, except maybe a tard
          I really hate you and you're just as nasty as lard
          Yeah so if that song doesn't basically explain what's going on, I will elaborate. Over the past year and a half - two years, I have had the most terrible case of writer's block. It was absolutely horrible. I couldn't think of any possible way to continue any of the stories, and I hated it. That, and I had an extremely tough time transitioning between two different schools. I hope that everyone that cares understands, and that you will all come back and support my work again, however, the ones that I had originally thought were "good" are practically trash and will be marked private very soon. "Savage" isn't one of those because I am going to eventually rework the storyline so it doesn't completely suck. My latest addition is "Herold and the Bad #$$ Donkey Gang - A Collection of Short Stories regarding Herold and his Donkey Gang" and should be updated a lot more frequently than all of the others were. I hope this explained everything, and I hope all of you come back! 