
@hachebrown Looks like your hard work and diligence is paying off!
          	I did get a couple of people I know who are editors to look at my first novel (I even paid some cash) but the results were disappointing. Also tried some other avenues (colleagues, friends, family). Overall not what I was looking for, although I think if you could find an editor like you see in movies or read about  in books (the kind that actually make the story better) it would be great.
          	I agree that there is no substitute for working hard and sticking with it. I like the 10,000 hour rule - that is, until you have been doing something for 10K hours you can't be considered an expert. I've got a ways to go yet before I hit that number. 
          	That said, some people are born story tellers/writers and I don't believe there's any teaching that! 
          	Cheers for now


@hachebrown Looks like your hard work and diligence is paying off!
          I did get a couple of people I know who are editors to look at my first novel (I even paid some cash) but the results were disappointing. Also tried some other avenues (colleagues, friends, family). Overall not what I was looking for, although I think if you could find an editor like you see in movies or read about  in books (the kind that actually make the story better) it would be great.
          I agree that there is no substitute for working hard and sticking with it. I like the 10,000 hour rule - that is, until you have been doing something for 10K hours you can't be considered an expert. I've got a ways to go yet before I hit that number. 
          That said, some people are born story tellers/writers and I don't believe there's any teaching that! 
          Cheers for now


I got em! Indeed, writing is a glorious thing. I've been shocked at how quick my improvement has started coming along (after I started working at it full time). I highly recommend finding some critique and edit from a few people you can trust. Probably not friends or family. I have gotten a couple of edits that really helped me see key mistakes and bad habits I was cronically doing. And I have found an individual who helps me wrestle with story arch and larger concepts. Discipline and endurance I think both trump skill baca use they will lead to it eventually.


@hachebrown At this point in my writing I simply wanted to have more people reading my stuff and Wattpad seemed like a pretty good place to do that. I believe I saw an article on it someplace. I Didn't really realize the demographics of most members until after I published (which is my mode of operation it seems - shoot then aim!). I agree with you that this would have been a great place to develop as a young writer. I find myself a little worried I left it so late to get serious about it that I won't have time to get as good as I could have. 
          Anyway, I am lucky enough to be able to do what I do without worrying about making money from it. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a hit novel (and movie deal!) but the most important thing for me is to write. For me right now, it's like this - I am happy when I am writing even though sometimes it seems pretty pointless.


I joined up over a year ago and have had a good time uploading, reading and getting to know some folk. Since I'm a bit on the older side I tend to find the rest of the guys like us -- working, family, trying to make a go of it, etc. I'm afraid I haven't quite the time some of the younger people do to spend on the site, but I give it the old college try! I can image going crazy here as a high school student.


          Hey David, Thanks for the information - it really helps. And yeah, it does feel a little lonely at times midst all the young women on WP. I just thought I'd try it to get more people reading what I write and saw an article on the site. So far it's been great. I look forward to reading more of your stuff. The reefer series is genius!