
          	Hello Wattpaders,
          	There has been an update to Wattpad's Content Guidelines, effective April 15, 2024, regarding the age of consent that is now raised in stories to 18+. This change will clarify how Teen Fic and YA writers should approach romance storylines. Please carefully read through the information available via the link below, ensuring that your stories comply with these guidelines and are not at risk of being removed by Wattpad. 
          	We would also like to remind you that this profile is run and maintained by a team of Wattpad Ambassadors, who are volunteers and do not have any role in decisions made by Wattpad. Please, direct questions about the changes to the linked chapter above.
          	Thank you for your attention and we wish you continued happy writing.


Please don't take off the private messaging option on wattpad it's the unique function that set's wattpad apart from every other reading apps. You ambassadors should write to wattpad on behalf of the people. 


@sorensencooler Hi there,
            This profile is run and maintained by a team of Wattpad Ambassadors, who are volunteers. We are not Wattpad staff and do not have any influence on decisions made by Wattpad. There is more information on the help pages here -
            Kind regards,
            The HTUW team