
well, look at you. surprised you’re still standing and all in one piece, elijah. 
          // here you go <3


now why’d you have to go and say that? [ she shook her head fondly at him, trying to immediately push that thought out of her head. she didn’t want to think about that, all that would do would make her spiral. instead she moved her focus to her little one, pressing a kiss gently to aspen’s temple. ] i always loved it. always knew if i had a little girl, that’s what i wanted her name to be. 


             ⠀⠀ you’ve only got about nineteen more years until you’re officially the oldest person to ever live, i’d say that’s pretty old.   *elijah chuckled at his own words, apparently finding himself hilarious. but then his expression seemed to change, his joyous mood shifting into one of complete softness.*   aspen? oh, that’s such a beautiful name. what made you choose aspen, if i may ask?


hey, i’m only 104, i’m not *that* old. [ she pointed a finger at him playfully before smiling. after turning towards her car again, the witch bent down, unbuckling her daughter’s carseat. she gently picked aspen up, holding her close. ] elijah, meet aspen. [ she spoke as she turned to face the male, a wide smile on her lips. ]  


now, why are you looking at me like that? do i have something on my face?


well, i moreso meant you’d do it until you die, because after that you can’t do it anymore. [ wanda knew she was one of the luckiest people in the world. she never thought she’d find someone after she lost vision, but the universe proved her wrong. and while normally the witch wasn’t too fond of being proven wrong, this was a time that she was certainly okay with it happening. she didn’t feel as if she deserved elijah, not after everything she had done, but she couldn’t be happier that he loved her and wanted to be with her. the love she had for him was truly unmatched, but her love for beau was an extremely close second. and that’s why her face completely softened as elijah spoke. ] he could never scare me with that. oh, that makes my heart so happy. [ the redhead often worried about what beau thought of her, so hearing that made her heart swell. ] well, let’s make some casserole then, shall we?


             ⠀⠀ give me more credit than that, i’ll do it even if it will hurt me to do so.   *and if she didn’t believe him, boy she couldn’t be more wrong. it was almost terrifying what this woman could make him do, even without the use of her mind controlling abilities. the next words spoken from his lover made him smile so brightly that it quite possibly could have rivaled the sun itself.*   i’m glad that you love him as dearly as i do, he needs to know what a TRUE mother’s love feels like and i know that he does with you. he’s even told me that he loves you, but he’s a little scared to tell you that. i told him it was fine and that you would love to hear that from him, but i think he doesn’t want to scare you.   *elijah leaned into the touch of her hand running through his hair, his eyes closing for a brief moment before they opened to look at her.*   i would love some company, especially if it’s yours.


i knew you weren’t. you’re going to compliment me until you physically can’t anymore, i know you. [ the redhead couldn’t help but giggle as the kisses were placed on her face. she absolutely loved this. she loved their domestic moments like this. wanda could never get enough of them. ] he definitely holds part of it. i love him like he’s my own. [ and she meant that. beau meant everything to the woman, even if he wasn’t biologically hers. ] dinner sounds nice, but do you want some company while you make it? [ her hand gently went through his hair as she looked up at him, her eyes full of love for her partner. ]