
Hey guys, so I know I haven’t been updating much or anything. And to be honest I don’t really have an excuse other than the fact that I’m pretty lazy and I just don’t feel like writing. I’m also kind of stuck on ideas. Like I have plenty ideas to start a story but then I have no idea how to actually write the chapters and what should go into each of one.


@honeyspaceship  we all r here to help


Hey! I also don’t mind doing collabs. Just message me if you ever need a partner in this stuff. 


@honeyspaceship if you want help I would absolutely make a colab with u. Me and @toomanygaybandships are making one right now. We could always do anything. Just remember there is a community that will help. That sounds weird sorry. Basically I will help if you need help writting a story.


Hey guys, so I know I haven’t been updating much or anything. And to be honest I don’t really have an excuse other than the fact that I’m pretty lazy and I just don’t feel like writing. I’m also kind of stuck on ideas. Like I have plenty ideas to start a story but then I have no idea how to actually write the chapters and what should go into each of one.


@honeyspaceship  we all r here to help


Hey! I also don’t mind doing collabs. Just message me if you ever need a partner in this stuff. 


@honeyspaceship if you want help I would absolutely make a colab with u. Me and @toomanygaybandships are making one right now. We could always do anything. Just remember there is a community that will help. That sounds weird sorry. Basically I will help if you need help writting a story.


So i started writing this story at the end of september and im in love with writing it. I think its one of the best things ive ever written and i literally only have 4 chapters done and im not even halfway through the 5th. I havent been feeling up to writing lately but hopefully that will change soon because spring is the time i usually write the most. Im waiting until im finished writing it to post it. I want it to be absolutely amazing. Im in love with the concept and im doing well writing it! I just figured I'd let you guys know that im still alive and writing. Just a warning: the book may be triggering and its really sad but im loving it. So i hope you guys enjoy when i post it. It should be up around may or june. I make no promises though. Love you! ❤