
have to get up at 8 for work but i’m still up reading atm. will i regret it? yes


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do you ever just think back on old friendships and become so sad over the fact that they ended? it just reminds me how much of a fking idiot i was, and how majorly i fked things up. my mental health is so bad i can’t even keep my friends; i just push them away for no reason at all. i feel like shit and maybe it’s what i deserve for acting like a *sshole towards my friends. i really wanna grow and learn from these experiences, but i’m just so d*mn lonely. i need someone to be there for me. 


@GODISALEO i haven't gone to see a professional about it so i just say to most people i daydream a lot. yw <3


@ghostxxxxxxxxxxxx you’re a maladaptive daydreamer too?? also thank you x


@GODISALEO i dont know you at all but same. all the old friends i made moved on and whenever i try to make a friend online they go "oh i'll be there for you" and then never talk to me again, even though i want to be friends with them. same with old online friends, then we'll fight and they never forgive me again. it makes me feel alone and like no one is there for you.
            then again, i daydream my whole life away and my sleep suffers because of it, but god bless you and i hope you know that i care about you, even if im just a stranger.