
Hey Marie! I'm sorry I can't understand your About Me, but thank you anyway for following! :)
          PS. Uh.... Your background <3


Well it basically says
             'There once was a girl from Belgium who was named Marie. This girl loved to read and write books. Her biggest dream was to meet One Direction and become an actress or writer. The thing she loved to do the most was singing. She hoped that she would be confident enough one day to stand up and do what she always wanted, to sing on stage. This girl loved her boyfriend [okay, imaginary boyfriend] and friends. She also loved her family.
            No, this girl isn't dead. This girl is me.
            Okay, okay, I know that I just wrote about myself in past tense, but I'm sort of out of inspiration at the moment.'
            I just translated that all for you, you should feel honored.
            Hahahaha, okay no, kidding aside, I'm happy that I followed you, your book looks very promising! :)
            ANSWER ON YOUR PS. LOGAN LERMAN, I know... *sigh* His eyes are just so... and his face... and his laugh, and well, he sort of lives across the world from me, but a girl can dream right? (And boy, I dream about him. A lot. In a non-sexual way of course.) 
            PPS. Sorry if there are any mistakes in this message. I just quickly tiped it up and English is (quite obviously) not my native language. :) <3