
Dear beautiful people,
          	You did it, you did it! Im proud of you /hugs chu. You did so well loves you have reached the end of the year, you have pushed through no matter what came your way, yes it was hard ik ik how that feels but you did it anyway you have accomplished this mission and now its time for you to make 2020 the best year ever! I believe in you and so does many other people we really do, you are strong, extraordinary, brave, beautiful, talented, unique, and every single thing that you are, your flaws are your super powers, your mistakes are your lessons and you learn from them, the guilt and regret that you have many others have as well. These are all things that make us humans if we didnt do any of these we wouldnt be humans, we have emotions a lot of emotions and sometimes these things take us over but you can give up, it hurts so bad that you want to ik how that feels i understand that but suicide is not the answer yes you wont feel the pain but others are affected by that, people who you love and care about will miss you it could take more than a year for them to heal from that pain, they need you, you can leave them, ik how hard it is to try and hold on but ik that you are stronger than this ik this and if you are sad now it gets better trust me ik, one day or someday youll find someone who make you happy, youll find some sort of happiness and youll be glad for the people around you who try to hold you up. For all the people i love and care about please dont lose hope im here for you so are other people we care i care i really do, i want to help you, i dont know if i cant fix it but ill try to help build you up again im here for you. I love you all no matter what you deserve all the happiness in the world and more.
          With all the love i have in my heart xoxo,
          			Asiya Amin <3


hiiiiii angel,
           ik its been a rough year it really has but see!! you made it you mae it at the end of the year you made it to that last month of the year that means you pushed through in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November and we still have a couple more days in December to go. I am proud of you because you because this year youve come to love things about yourself be it your sexuality, how you look, your well being e.t.c. what im trying to say is that im proud of you fortrying im proud of you because you kept fighting some said you couldnt do it but you did, YOU did you did it, and yes give yourself a pat on the back because you did that and im glad you did. This month remember all the good things that happened this year, try to forget the bad and hope for the best, enjoy this time and spread the love, tell the people closest to your heart that you love them because time is precious and it doesnt wait for anyone. Ive said this a million times but ill say it again you are worth everything i put you guys before me because i love my friends with all my heart more than i could ever say you guys mean the world to me friend or not i just wan tot make you guys happy and i want to see you smile. I hope that in 2020 we make it the best year we possibly can and best the best people you will ever be.
          P.S I love you more❤