
Salam everyone,
          	I have decided to make the stories accessible. For free.
          	Following my post on FB prior, in lieu of republishing the titles into books/ebooks,for the time being, let's have it for you on Wattpad - chapter by chapter. 
          	2020 had been a rough and tough turbulence to many, in one way or another. 
          	Here's to hoping that maybe...maybe it could offer a small pocket of respite and interlude to the current chaos, to anyone who needs it. I haven't revisited some of the titles for ages myself. Let's cringe, laugh, facepalm or do whatever verb applicable together over the spiels that have been written. Or reminisce over a timespan where things were simpler when the words first touched you. To be reminded that we have made it, through phases that we thought were daunting, and we'll make it through again this time, and again and again.
          	Be kind. To yourself, and others.
          	Take care. Of yourself, and others.
          	Let's start 
          	with Garpu & Camca.
          	May Allah bless.


@hlovatehood Assalamualaikum Hlovate. Terima kasih publish Rooftop Rant di sini. It helps me a lot during my mental breakdown. Soothing words dalam Rooftop Rant betul betul pujuk hati ni. I'm crying. May Allah bless you always. Till Jannah.


Assalamualaikum Hlovate.. your books bring back so many memories of high school. First start with Aa+Bb, terus collect all your books. My favourite is Versus. First beli then hilang someone pinjam. 3 kali saya beli balik Versus semua hilang sebab someone pinjam. Nak beli lagi dah takda jual dkt kedai. Sampai skarang masih terasa sesal bagi orang pinjam but anggap not my rezeki la to keep that one. Then found you in this platform and I am really excited. You was my inspiration during high school. Learned  
          	  a lot from your stories.. Thank you so much for existing and give inspiration to too many people. 


          	  Assalamualaikum, hlovate. Dah lama tak tgk blog, first thing first buka, nmpk nama hlovate, bila klik  xde dah. then terjumpa post boleh ke wattpad. search for hlovate name, to many, Alhamdulillah can recognize from your trademark, thanks to that smile..Semoga dapat baca lagi karya hlovate. I've bought all your books kecuali baru tahu ada karya baru Garpu & Camca.  Terima kasih sudi berkongsi secara maya.


I am a fan of you coming from aa+bb gen. I just know that you had a wattpad i start to read again after years of reading slump. And been searching for your books to reminisce my young age of reading yours writing. Hope that you will write more  and thanks for all those karya of yours back then


          I baca aA+bB when i was 19 years old. pinjam kakak punya. sebelum baca tu, agak skeptikal dengan tajuk hahaha. but after that, I'm your fan ;)  baca tunas, 5T5B and others. but buku pinjam la.
          at 19 years old, with fresh memories dari sekolah, asrama, i can so relate with your novel, Tunas. banyak banyak your novel, Tunas yang paling I suka. Walaupun sekarang dah 28 years old Tunas still one of the best hahaha
          tahu tak your novel harga semua agak pricey sekarang. satu novel boleh cecah RM60-RM100. but lucky me, I got your books for RM40 each. the condition not that good, but its okay as long as i have my own Hlovate collection :) 
          I hope wherever you are, you akan sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah InsyaAllah


Hi and hellö Hlovate! Thank you for cherishing my teenage years from 2008 (13 y/o) till today. Started from aA+bB ended with Garpu & Camca.  It is such a  wonderful journey for me while reading your masterpiece. Wishing you all the best and keep on giving inspiration and motivation through your ideas and writing.  I'm waiting for the next masterpiece. Thank you! 


Assalamualaikum Hlovate. 
          I become your fan from form 1 (2011) until today ( I am 25 now). 
          I imagine cool image of swag adult form your novel actually. (Pls, its from 13 y/o POV). I learn English really really hard yes its because i am inspired to understand your word in the novel. Alhamdulliah you really open my eyes on how to think, how to see and how to interpret how things happen. 
          Tbh, I banyak hilang myself actually. It might sound funny. But your blog, rare facebook post (with cannot be open anymore) are keeping me alive. Its like go back to your comfort person when you at your lowest. 
          Its a harsh world we are living right now. But at least I have small tiny reason to looking forward tomorrow. 
          Its true none of books right know can gave me impact like your's. Like one of the other fan post said.  Macam rindu yang tiada penghujung. Rindu yang sangat- sangat rindu. 
          I will keep waiting any updates or your random post on Wattpad (because fb cannot be open anymore). Even though your last post in 2020. And from this post, counting days to 2024. Its means 4 years MIA. Its okay, I will keep waiting. (If Allah Will)
           I hope you're happy with your life. Continue to be good Muslim ye Sis Hlovate. (Or Bro? Heh).
          Wherever you are. May Allah Bless you. 


@ainazuan *sorry, my bad, 2021 are your last uploaded chapter. 



may Allah bless you through and through! may your writings be the reason for you to enter His jannah.
          i am in my final year of youth, and been wanting to read your books especially Versus. 
          would like to buy it thru shopee but the prices were a bit insane. but God's plan was wonderful because much later, i found your book(s) in my school library, and Versus it was, including 5T5B. 
          i enjoyed my reading for Versus, it was crazy-well-made book and the preaching was non-preachy at all, it felt good.
          whatever you are doing right now, hlovate, may Allah ease your way. 
          p:s: even the prices were crazy in shopee, i still got myself a Rooftop Rant. 
          versus + rooftop rant are my faves.
          Thank you.


Tumpang promote
          ⁩ Tittle : Together
          ⁩ Genre : #romance #action 
          ⁩ Author : ranran
          ⁩ Status : Ongoing
          ៚ Link : https://www.wattpad.com/story/353849502
          ✎ Blurbs : 
          Takdir yang tertulis tidak seharusnya dipersalahkan...
          Di usianya yang begitu muda, Jane meninggalkan keluarga jauh di kampung dan menjanjikan kebahagiaan harta. Gaji yang lumayan dan taraf hidup yang mewah sememangnya menarik minatnya untuk mencari pengalaman di negara orang. Namun, pilihannya tersasar jauh.
          Episod pengkhianatan mengucar-kacirkan hidupnya. Selama dua tahun itu, diri terasa bagai hamba abdi. Hendak melarikan diri, emak dan adik-adik di kampung menjadi galang ganti. 
          Kehadiran Daniel Hazim sebagai penyelamat satu malam membuka lembaran baru dalam hidup Jane. Ketenangan yang sentiasa hadir daripada lelaki itu cukup membuatkannya selesa dan mula mempunyai harapan untuk terus hidup kembali cerah. 
          Daniel yang ditinggalkan kekasih menjadikan Jane wanita yang ingin dia selamatkan. "Hidup awak terlalu berharga. Saya janji akan tolong awak."- Daniel Hazim. 
          Di sisi Jane ada juga lelaki yang menaruh rasa rindu, Kang ha-Joon. Jejaka itu  sangat menginginkan Jane mula melakukan apa sahaja untuk memiliki gadis itu. Perkenalannya dengan Jane menimbulkan pelbagai rasa yang tak pernah dia ketahui. Tidak kira banyak kali Daniel muncul sebagai penghalang antara dia dengan Jane, wanita itu akan dia rebut walau harus beradu aksi sekalipun. 
          "I want her legally, what ever it takes!"- Kang Ha-joon 
          Tetapi Jane tetap akur dengan keadaan. Kehadiran dua jejaka itu mendatangkan amarah kepada si dia yang berdendam dahagakan darah. Lalu diri dibawa menjauh demi keselamatan mereka. 
          Berjayakah Jane keluar daripada kehidupan gelapnya dan kembali menjadi Nurul Jannah?
          Lalu bagaimana pula penerimaan Puan Nurjuwita terhadap Daniel? Konflik apakah di antara ibu dan anak itu?
          "Saya tak layak dilindungi sesiapa!" - Jane.
          ⁩ #malaystory . 
          ⁩ #promoted .
          ʚ @wattpadmalaysiaa ɞ