
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all so much! I got a laptop for Christmas soooooo I should be able to post a chapter soon! Probably not until next week though because I'm still figuring out how this laptop works >.<. Sorry :/ BUTTTTTTTTTTTT MERRY CHRISTMAS I hope your Christmas was amazing cause mine sure was!!!! Count down to birthday starts.... NOW! 9 days and 23 hours! :D o and I still need some ideas for that problem I sent in the message before this one.... I still have writers block and NO ONE has given me ideas and I seriously need help!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways. I love you all and hope you all had a merry merry merry merry Christmas!!!!!!!! :D Stay Groovy -HJ


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all so much! I got a laptop for Christmas soooooo I should be able to post a chapter soon! Probably not until next week though because I'm still figuring out how this laptop works >.<. Sorry :/ BUTTTTTTTTTTTT MERRY CHRISTMAS I hope your Christmas was amazing cause mine sure was!!!! Count down to birthday starts.... NOW! 9 days and 23 hours! :D o and I still need some ideas for that problem I sent in the message before this one.... I still have writers block and NO ONE has given me ideas and I seriously need help!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways. I love you all and hope you all had a merry merry merry merry Christmas!!!!!!!! :D Stay Groovy -HJ


IM SOOOOO SORRY! I have writers block. In the last chapter Niall and Charlie (Taylor's best friend) seemed distant and taylor asked what was wrong but they just said they would tell her at the park. PLEASE. I NEED SUGGESTIONS AS TO WHAT THE PROBLEM COULD BE!!! Help! I have been trying to think of one for 3 months! Please help! Message me or comment on the last chapter! PLEASE HELP!!! I'm sooooooo sorry once again :( I suck I know. But having two dying computers doesn't help either. Especially when your parents are on them allllll the time and whenever you write it crashes. I love you guys. I'm so sorry. Please help :( if I use one of y'all's ideas I will give you a dedication on that chapter!!  <3 I'm so sorry <3-HJ P.s O MY GOD. ALL THOSE READS!?!? 4K READS. AHHH I LOVE Y'ALL. I DONT DESERVE THAT. AT ALL <3 please help <3333


Nutcracker is at it's busiest!!! I'm at the theater rehearsing everyday (except thanksgiving day) soooo IM SO SORRY FOR NO UPDATE. IM SUCH A HORRIBLE PERSON I KNOW. IM SORRY. I'm seriously trying my hardest. Thank you all for all the reads and votes and new followers! Welcome new followers! I love you all! Hope to be posting soon! Xx-HJ