
Cruella: 7.5/10 (i’m surprised I enjoyed it a lot!)
          	The Conjuring 3: 7/10 (the storyline overpowers the horror aspect, enough amount of thrills, and quite intense)
          	A Quiet Place II: 8/10 (honestly surprised at the fact that they can keep the sequel just as intense and gripping as the first one)


@hippiesta quiet place kecee, tp aku setuju bgt sm rate 8/10 nya. agak gampang ketebak alurnya


@hippiesta same with cruella, and emma watson acting tho


haiii ak baru aja baca semua review movie km hehe dlm dua hari ak rampungin smwa karena km detail bgtt si review nya jd ak kepoo trus kwkwk,semngat trus yaaa buat nulis review" movie yg keren" oiyaaa ak mo rekom jugaa buat km judulny the godfather keren bgt ak rekom buat km hehe oiyaaa sama tonton deh film nya Robert De Niro itu smwa bagusss!! salam kenal yaa!!!<33


Yes! Thankyou ya, mungkin next time aku bikin review The Godfather yang “acclaimed” as Best Movie of the centuries hmm