
Well it's been a while! Hi, I recently logged back in here and wow did I have a lot of unfinished work. The two published stories I have will be on hiatus till further notice, in favour of a piece I'm working on that is honestly the best I've ever written. I don't know why I took down the story, but I won't put it back up until it's finished in it's entirety. Maybe it'll spark some more creativity


Well it's been a while! Hi, I recently logged back in here and wow did I have a lot of unfinished work. The two published stories I have will be on hiatus till further notice, in favour of a piece I'm working on that is honestly the best I've ever written. I don't know why I took down the story, but I won't put it back up until it's finished in it's entirety. Maybe it'll spark some more creativity


This may seem sudden to a lot of my readers, but my updates here on Wattpad are going to be heavily decreasing in frequency. Not only do I have school, I also have works that I deem more passion projects over on a03, the link to which I won't be sharing as to keep my interests to myself. If you find me feel free to interact, but I'll be leaving little to no hints. :)


@hikiittiii Also a side note that some of my current works will either be on hiatus or completely rewritten from scratch to be up to date with my current writing style. This change is abrupt but it allows me to be more professional about the content I put up. Some of my works will be crossposted between the two sites, so keep an eye out.


Well, look who’s back! Don’t worry, Unnatural Feline will not be abandoned, however I couldn’t resist writing this little idea that I thought up. Chapter 1 of Unnatural Feline will be coming soon, just give me some time to write and edit it. However, I hope you can enjoy Chapter one of Supernatural She in the meantime!


Hi all! I'm sorry about the recent disappearance, but I've got some tests on the way and in all the revision I've forgotten to notify you all. I'll be gone a while to prioritise my grades, so please don't expect any updates until further notice. Love you all <3


A chaoter of the Rewrite for 《A Demon Slayer Cat》 is out! There's no book cover yet but I'm working on one! I'm hoping the prologue is up to everyone's standards. Happy reading! :)


@hikiittiii ya, totally get it life has reasonably's too


@WeepingSugar Thank you! I'll have the next chapter out soon, I want it be pretty long since idk how active I'll be able to be since my life is currently very chaotic :)


@hikiittiii GREAT JOB! I like the first chapter, cant wait for more!


Ok, so I know that most people are aware that I'll be rewriting Demon Slayer Cat, as I adopted it recently. The Rewrite should be out by at most next week, but it'll only be chapter 1/prologue. Please be patient with me. :)


@Random_Twixfurry2008 I take that adoption happily. Ducks :D


@hikiittiii always <333 
            Im adopting you now. You are now one of my ducklings


heyy i heard you adopted 'a demon slayer cat' just wanted to know when you were going to start posting


@Random_Twixfurry2008 Hi! I should be able to begin posting this weekend, I'll take another look at the original story and see how I'll be changing it before I begin writing. Have a good day! <3


@Random_Twixfurry2008 yo, just about ask the same thing, I find the story plot interesting but cant wait to see what you'll do with it. :)