
i’m so sorry i’ve been inactive. it’s been a rough couple of months and i’m about to start school and have other priorities and i just don’t know where i’m at writing-wise, and i start school on the 17th so idk what’s going to happen yet but thank you guys for being so patient


i’m so sorry i’ve been inactive. it’s been a rough couple of months and i’m about to start school and have other priorities and i just don’t know where i’m at writing-wise, and i start school on the 17th so idk what’s going to happen yet but thank you guys for being so patient


i haven’t spoken on blm because i’ve mostly been advocating for it on twitter and ig, since i hardly use wp, soon to change, and i have hardly 30 followers on here but that will change!! i will put a link in my profile so you guys can check out any resources you can use to support blm !!


i had a million other things on my mind yesterday and this is a day late but happy late pan visbility day!! me, myself, as a pansexual am so grateful to be part of such a loving community and i want you all to know that you are so so loved and valid ❤️