
Hi everyone I just wrote a new story that I’m trying out it’s a Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter) type story. If your interested in that kind of thing I’d love for some feedback, there’s two chapters up already. 


Hi everyone I just wrote a new story that I’m trying out it’s a Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter) type story. If your interested in that kind of thing I’d love for some feedback, there’s two chapters up already. 


Hi guys, I just wrote and publsished the first chapter of a new story called Just Got Stranger its about Billy Hargrove from Billy Hargrove from Stranger Things. Please check it out or share it to someone who likes it thanks!


          Hi guys, I just wrote and published the first chapter of a new story called Just Got Stranger, it’s about Billy Hargrove from Stranger Things. If you could go check it out or share it, or reccomend to someone who likes that stuff that be great! Thanks guys!