
I finally found some inspiration, I started a Lovestruck interactive story! Follow along as the MC, and dive into the world of your life with JD in Havenfall! Life after the facestealers may just be paradise with JD. :))))) have funnnn! 


@heyyimjj p.s. part one: chapter one IS released, to give a sneak peek! If it gets lots of love, I'll work hard to get po:c2 published ASAP!! 


I finally found some inspiration, I started a Lovestruck interactive story! Follow along as the MC, and dive into the world of your life with JD in Havenfall! Life after the facestealers may just be paradise with JD. :))))) have funnnn! 


@heyyimjj p.s. part one: chapter one IS released, to give a sneak peek! If it gets lots of love, I'll work hard to get po:c2 published ASAP!! 