
Hi everyone. I apologize that I have been gone . I am quite sad to inform you guys that I will no longer be posting. I am sorry to those who have liked the things I wrote. They were just for fun but It turned into so much more. I appreciate you all. I am going to end “I will be here” . I am sorry, but let your imagination run wild and make the story your own!! I am so sorry again. There has been to much going on and things have been getting worse for me. I appreciate the support and all the people who gave my poor writing a chance. I love you all. Please stay safe ☺️


@heyo152 don't worry, girl, we all understand. the book was amazing and you're writing also amazing. if you ever need to talk---i know im just a random stranger but i care a lot about people struggling with mental health since im also struggling too---im here


@heyo152 Oh that just torn my heart, but it's okay. It's your decision if you don't wanna continue, your book will be on my Books That Are Actually Not Bad list. It was really good! I will always remember that story in the back of my head! Thank you so much for writing an amazing story!! I hope you have lovely day!


Hi everyone. I apologize that I have been gone . I am quite sad to inform you guys that I will no longer be posting. I am sorry to those who have liked the things I wrote. They were just for fun but It turned into so much more. I appreciate you all. I am going to end “I will be here” . I am sorry, but let your imagination run wild and make the story your own!! I am so sorry again. There has been to much going on and things have been getting worse for me. I appreciate the support and all the people who gave my poor writing a chance. I love you all. Please stay safe ☺️


@heyo152 don't worry, girl, we all understand. the book was amazing and you're writing also amazing. if you ever need to talk---i know im just a random stranger but i care a lot about people struggling with mental health since im also struggling too---im here


@heyo152 Oh that just torn my heart, but it's okay. It's your decision if you don't wanna continue, your book will be on my Books That Are Actually Not Bad list. It was really good! I will always remember that story in the back of my head! Thank you so much for writing an amazing story!! I hope you have lovely day!


Hello everyone! I am alive and well thankfully. I did start a new part of my book, but I haven’t had time to finish. I am trying to get the time to do it, but I am struggling with it. My school has started and I’ve been really stressed with it. I know it’s another excuse to not write. I will try my hardest to get it done I promise. I hope you all understand, and I’m so thankful for all of your support. I love you all and stay safe bye  


@heyo152 I'm here as well, I know I'm late, but I always am open


Thank you. Your support means a lot 


@Tom_holland115 if you ever need to talk, I'm here, love. X


Hello! I am alive, I know it’s been a while. My dad left my family for a reason I would prefer not to say.  I have been wanting to write and update I Will Always Be Here. Sadly, my mental health has been impacted by what has accrued. I’ve been down and trying to pick myself up. I have a few more weeks of summer, and I’ve been trying to get better before school. Again, I am so sorry that I’ve been absent. I appreciate all the support and love that you all have given this account. I love you all and stay safe. Bye  


@BlahQueen22 I agree with you friend. I am so sorry your father left you at such a young age.


@Tom_holland115 I actualy know how your feeling right now and I've been there with my Father leaving me when I was 10 years old  but As a friend of mine says "mental pain hurts more than Physical pain and leaves a scar in your heart"


Hello. I’m sorry to inform that the next chapter will be a longer wait. Due to COVID-19 my family has lost a lot of money. We are in the process of loosing our home, and trying to find a new job for my dad. My Mum is currently working a low paying job that’s barley keeping us afloat. My mum and dad are also figuring out relationship situations. I am so sorry. I really love all you guys, and I hope I can update soon. Love you all and stay safe. 


@MadelynOBrien thank you. You all mean so much 


@Tom_holland115 don't worry we love you to start strong


Hello everyone! I wanted to say sorry for being inactive. My family is going through a lot sadly. Worse then it usually goes. I also have summer work do to honors and AP classes. I’m so sorry again and I hope you all understand. Love you all stay safe bye  


Thank you so much 


You don’t need to apologize :) take your time everyone needs a break sometimes  


Hello ! So I said I would post my next chapter do I’ll always be there. Sadly, I had some school work published and wasn’t able to get to it. I am hoping to publish it by Tuesday. I’m so sorry but it will be up soon. Love you all bye